Manpages - setvtrgb.8

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setvtrgb - set the virtual terminal RGB colors


setvtrgb [/options/] vga|FILE|-


The setvtrgb command takes a single argument, either the string vga , or a path to a file containing the red, green, and blue colors to be used by the Linux virtual terminals.

If you use the FILE parameter, FILE should be exactly 3 lines of 16 comma-separated decimal values for RED, GREEN, and BLUE.

To seed a valid FILE :

cat /sys/module/vt/parameters/defaultred,grn,blu > FILE

And then edit the values in FILE


-C, *–console*=/DEV/
the console device to be used;
-h, –help
Prints usage message and exits.
-V, –version
Prints version number and exists.


The utility is written by Alexey Gladkov, Seth Forshee, Dustin Kirkland.


Documentation by Dustin Kirkland.

Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-20 Sun 09:53