Manpages - cupsfilter.8

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cupsfilter - convert a file to another format using cups filters (deprecated)


cupsfilter [ –list-filters ] [ -D ] [ -U user ] [ -c config-file ] [ -d printer ] [ -e ] [ -i mime/type ] [ -j job-id[,N] ] [ -m mime/type ] [ -n copies ] [ -o name=value ] [ -p filename.ppd ] [ -t title ] [ -u ] filename


cupsfilter is a front-end to the CUPS filter subsystem which allows you to convert a file to a specific format, just as if you had printed the file through CUPS. By default, cupsfilter generates a PDF file. The converted file is sent to the standard output.


Do not actually run the filters, just print the filters used to stdout.
Delete the input file after conversion.
*-U */user/
Specifies the username passed to the filters. The default is the name of the current user.
*-c */config-file/
Uses the named cups-files.conf configuration file.
*-d */printer/
Uses information from the named printer.
Use every filter from the PPD file.
*-i */mime/type/
Specifies the source file type. The default file type is guessed using the filename and contents of the file.
*-j */job-id[,N]/
Converts document N from the specified job. If N is omitted, document 1 is converted.
*-m */mime/type/
Specifies the destination file type. The default file type is application/pdf. Use printer/foo to convert to the printer format defined by the filters in the PPD file.
*-n */copies/
Specifies the number of copies to generate.
*-o */name=value/
Specifies options to pass to the CUPS filters.
*-p */filename.ppd/
Specifies the PPD file to use.
*-t */title/
Specifies the document title.
Delete the PPD file after conversion.


cupsfilter returns a non-zero exit status on any error.


All of the standard cups*(1) environment variables affect the operation of *cupsfilter.




CUPS printer drivers, filters, and backends are deprecated and will no longer be supported in a future feature release of CUPS. Printers that do not support IPP can be supported using applications such as *ippeveprinter*(1).

Unlike when printing, filters run using the cupsfilter command use the current user and security session. This may result in different output or unexpected behavior.


The following command will generate a PDF preview of job 42 for a printer named “myprinter” and save it to a file named “preview.pdf”:

      cupsfilter -m application/pdf -d myprinter -j 42 >preview.pdf


cups*(1), *cupsd.conf*(5), *filter(7), *mime.convs*(7), *mime.types*(7), CUPS Online Help (http://localhost:631/help)


Copyright © 2021 by OpenPrinting.

Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-20 Sun 09:57