Manpages - lolcat.6

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lolcat - rainbow coloring effect for text console display


lolcat [/options/]/ [/files/] /…


This manual page documents briefly the lolcat command.

lolcat is a program that concatenates files, or standard input, to standard output (like the generic cat), and adds rainbow coloring to it.


-p X, *–spread=*/X/
Inclination of the rainbow stripes
(character widths per line hight; high values (>1000) give almost horizonal stripes, low values (0.1) almost vertical ones; default: 3.0).
-F */X/, –freq=*/X/
Frequency of the rainbow effect.
(low values around 0.0001 give almost monochromous screens; default: 0.1).
-S */X/, –seed=*/X/
Initial value for the random number generator; 0 means automatic.
(default: 0).
-a, –animate
Fade every line through an animation before printing the next one.
-d */X/, –duration=*/X/
Duration of the animation.
(number of steps before showing next line; default: 12)
-s */X/, –speed=*/X/
Speed of the animation.
(frame rate, ie. number of steps per second; default: 20)
-i, –invert
Inverts the background and foreground colors.
-t, –truecolor
Enables 24-bit truecolor mode.
-f, –force
Force color even when stdout is not a tty.
-v, –version
Shows lolcat version.
-h, –help
Shows options summary.


Typical combinations of lolcat include other programs that generate text:

Large colorful words can be written like this:

  echo "KTHXBAI" | toilet | lolcat

Cows are popular, come in all colors, and tell random epigrams:

  fortune | cowsay | lolcat -a


*cat*(1), *toilet*(1), *fortune*(6), *cowsay*(6)


lolcat was written by Moe <>.

This manual page was originally written by chrysn <>, for the Debian project.
Very quickly revamped by Mathieu Aubin <> to include as part of official code repository.

Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-20 Sun 09:37