Manpages - ipptoolfile.5
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ipptoolfile - ipptool file format
The *ipptool*(1) program accepts free-form plain text files that describe one or more IPP requests. Comments start with the “#” character and continue to the end of the line. Each request is enclosed by curly braces, for example:
# This is a comment { # The name of the test NAME "Print PDF File" # The request to send OPERATION Print-Job GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR language attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR name requesting-user-name $user ATTR mimeMediaType document-format application/pdf GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR collection media-col { # US Letter plain paper from the "main" tray MEMBER collection media-size { MEMBER integer x-dimension 21590 MEMBER integer y-dimension 27940 } MEMBER integer media-top-margin 423 MEMBER integer media-bottom-margin 423 MEMBER integer media-left-margin 423 MEMBER integer media-right-margin 423 MEMBER keyword media-source "main" MEMBER keyword media-type "stationery" } FILE testfile.pdf # The response to expect STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri } { # The name of the test NAME "Wait for Job to Complete" # The request to send OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR language attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR integer job-id $job-id ATTR name requesting-user-name $user # The response to expect STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer WITH-VALUE $job-id EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE enum WITH-VALUE >5 REPEAT-NO-MATCH EXPECT job-originating-user-name OF-TYPE name WITH-VALUE "$user" # Show the job state until completed... DISPLAY job-state DISPLAY job-state-reasons }
The following directives can be used outside of a test:
- { */test /}*
- Defines a test.
- *DEFINE */variable-name value/
- Defines the named variable to the given value. This is equivalent to specifying -d variable-name=value on the *ipptool*(8) command-line.
- *DEFINE-DEFAULT */variable-name value/
- Defines the named variable to the given value if it does not already have a value.
- FILE-ID “*/identifier/“*
- Specifies an identifier string for the current file.
- Specifies whether, by default, *ipptool*(8) will ignore errors and continue with subsequent tests.
- INCLUDE “*/filename/“*
- INCLUDE <*/filename/*>
- Includes another test file. The first form includes a file relative to the current test file, while the second form includes a file from the *ipptool*(8) include directory.
- INCLUDE-IF-DEFINED */name /“filename”*
- INCLUDE-IF-DEFINED */name /*<*/filename/*>
- Includes another test file if the named variable is defined. The first form includes a file relative to the current test file, while the second form includes a file from the *ipptool*(8) include directory.
- INCLUDE-IF-NOT-DEFINED */name /“filename”*
- INCLUDE-IF-NOT-DEFINED */name /*<*/filename/*>
- Includes another test file if the named variable is not defined. The first form includes a file relative to the current test file, while the second form includes a file from the *ipptool*(8) include directory.
- *SKIP-IF-DEFINED */variable-name/
- *SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED */variable-name/
- Specifies that the remainder of the test file should be skipped when the variable is or is not defined.
- Specifies whether tests will be stopped after an error in an included file.
- Specifies that tests will, by default, use “Transfer-Encoding: chunked” for requests with attached files and “Content-Length:” for requests without attached files.
- TRANSFER chunked
- Specifies that tests will, by default, use the HTTP/1.1 “Transfer-Encoding: chunked” header. This is the default and is equivalent to specifying -c on the *ipptool*(8) command-line. Support for chunked requests is required for conformance with all versions of IPP.
- TRANSFER length
- Specifies that tests will, by default, use the HTTP/1.0 “Content-Length:” header. This is equivalent to specifying -l on the *ipptool*(8) command-line. Support for content length requests is required for conformance with all versions of IPP.
- Specifies the default IPP version number to use for the tests that follow.
The following directives are understood within a test:
- *ATTR */out-of-band-tag attribute-name/
- *ATTR */tag attribute-name value(s)/
- Adds an attribute to the test request. Out-of-band tags (admin-define, delete-attribute, no-value, not-settable, unknown, unsupported) have no value. Values for other tags are delimited by the comma (“,”) character - escape commas using the “\” character. Common attributes and values are listed in the IANA IPP registry - see references below.
- (no term)
- ATTR collection */attribute-name /*{ MEMBER */tag member-name value(s) … /}* [ … /*,{ *… /*} *] :: Adds a collection attribute to the test request. Member attributes follow the same syntax as regular attributes and can themselves be nested collections. Multiple collection values can be supplied as needed, separated by commas.
- Uses the specified compression on the document data following the attributes in a Print-Job or Send-Document request.
- *DELAY */seconds/[/,repeat-seconds/]
- Specifies a delay in seconds before this test will be run. If two values are specified, the second value is used as the delay between repeated tests.
- *DISPLAY */attribute-name/
- Specifies that value of the named attribute should be output as part of the test report.
- *EXPECT */attribute-name /[ /predicate(s) /]
- *EXPECT ?*/attribute-name predicate(s)/
- *EXPECT !*/attribute-name/
- Specifies that the response must/may/must not include the named attribute. Additional requirements can be added as predicates - see the “EXPECT PREDICATES” section for more information on predicates. Attribute names can specify member attributes by separating the attribute and member names with the forward slash, for example “media-col/media-size/x-dimension”.
- *EXPECT-ALL */attribute-name /[ /predicate(s) /]
- *EXPECT-ALL ?*/attribute-name predicate(s)/
- Specifies that the response must/may include the named attribute and that all occurrences of that attribute must match the given predicates.
- FILE filename
- Specifies a file to include at the end of the request. This is typically used when sending a test print file.
- GROUP tag
- Specifies the group tag for subsequent attributes in the request.
- Specifies whether *ipptool*(8) will ignore errors and continue with subsequent tests.
- (no term)
- MONITOR-PRINTER-STATE *[ /printer-uri /] *{ EXPECT */attribute-name /[ /predicate(s) /] *} :: Specifies printer state monitoring tests to run in parallel with the test operation. The monitoring tests will run until all of the EXPECT conditions are satisfied or the primary test operation has completed, whichever occurs first.
- NAME “*/literal string/“*
- Specifies the human-readable name of the test.
- *OPERATION */operation-code/
- Specifies the operation to be performed.
- *PASS-IF-DEFINED */variable-name/
- *PASS-IF-NOT-DEFINED */variable-name/
- Specifies that the current test should be passed automatically when the variable is or is not defined.
- PAUSE “*/message/“*
- Displays the provided message and waits for the user to press a key to continue.
- *REQUEST-ID */number/
- REQUEST-ID random
- Specifies the request-id value to use in the request, either an integer or the word “random” to use a randomly generated value (the default).
- *RESOURCE */path/
- Specifies an alternate resource path that is used for the HTTP POST request. The default is the resource from the URI provided to the *ipptool*(8) program.
- *SKIP-IF-DEFINED */variable-name/
- *SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED */variable-name/
- Specifies that the current test should be skipped when the variable is or is not defined.
- Specifies whether *ipptool*(8) will skip the current test if the previous test resulted in an error/failure.
- *STATUS */status-code [ /predicate ]
- Specifies an expected response status-code value. Additional requirements can be added as predicates - see the “STATUS PREDICATES” section for more information on predicates.
- *TEST-ID “*/identifier/”
- Specifies an identifier string for the current test.
- Specifies that this test will use “Transfer-Encoding: chunked” if it has an attached file or “Content-Length:” otherwise.
- TRANSFER chunked
- Specifies that this test will use the HTTP/1.1 “Transfer-Encoding: chunked” header.
- TRANSFER length
- Specifies that this test will use the HTTP/1.0 “Content-Length:” header.
- Specifies the IPP version number to use for this test.
The following predicates are understood following the EXPECT test directive:
- *COUNT */number/
- Requires the EXPECT attribute to have the specified number of values.
- *DEFINE-MATCH */variable-name/
- Defines the variable to “1” when the EXPECT condition matches. A side-effect of this predicate is that this EXPECT will never fail a test.
- *DEFINE-NO-MATCH */variable-name/
- Defines the variable to “1” when the EXPECT condition does not match. A side-effect of this predicate is that this EXPECT will never fail a test.
- *DEFINE-VALUE */variable-name/
- Defines the variable to the value of the attribute when the EXPECT condition matches. A side-effect of this predicate is that this EXPECT will never fail a test.
- *DISPLAY-MATCH */“message”/
- Displays the specified message when the EXPECT condition matches.
- *IF-DEFINED */variable-name/
- Makes the EXPECT conditions apply only if the specified variable is defined.
- *IF-NOT-DEFINED */variable-name/
- Makes the EXPECT conditions apply only if the specified variable is not defined.
- *IN-GROUP */tag/
- Requires the EXPECT attribute to be in the specified group tag.
- *OF-TYPE */tag[(limits)|tag|…]/
- Requires the EXPECT attribute to use one of the specified value tag(s). Most value tags also support the specification of limits in parenthesis, for example “name(42)” would allow nameWith/WithoutLanguage strings up to 42 octets in length, “name(4:MAX)” would allow nameWith/WithoutLanguage strings between 4 and 255 octets in length, and “integer(-273:MAX)” would allow integers between -273 and 2147483647.
- *REPEAT-LIMIT */number/
Specifies the maximum number of times to repeat if the REPEAT-MATCH or REPEAT-NO-MATCH predicate is specified. The default value is 1000.- REPEAT-MATCH
- Specifies that the current test should be repeated when the EXPECT condition matches or does not match.
- *SAME-COUNT-AS */attribute-name/
- Requires the EXPECT attribute to have the same number of values as the specified parallel attribute.
- WITH-ALL-HOSTNAMES “*/literal string/“*
- WITH-ALL-HOSTNAMES “regular expression”
- Requires that all URI values contain a matching hostname.
- WITH-ALL-RESOURCES “*/literal string/“*
- WITH-ALL-RESOURCES “regular expression”
- Requires that all URI values contain a matching resource (including leading /).
- WITH-ALL-SCHEMES “*/literal string/“*
- WITH-ALL-SCHEMES “regular expression”
- Requires that all URI values contain a matching scheme.
- WITH-ALL-VALUES “*/literal string/“*
- Requires that all values of the EXPECT attribute match the literal string. Comparisons are case-sensitive.
- *WITH-ALL-VALUES <*/number/
- *WITH-ALL-VALUES =*/number/
- *WITH-ALL-VALUES >*/number/
- *WITH-ALL-VALUES */number/[/,…,number/]
- Requires that all values of the EXPECT attribute match the number(s) or numeric comparison. When comparing rangeOfInteger values, the “<” and “>” operators only check the upper bound of the range.
- Requires that all values of the EXPECT attribute match the boolean value given.
- WITH-ALL-VALUES “regular expression”
- Requires that all values of the EXPECT attribute match the regular expression, which must conform to the POSIX regular expression syntax. Comparisons are case-sensitive.
- Requires that all values of the EXPECT attribute are unique. Comparisons are case-sensitive. Only charset, collection, enum, integer, keyword, mimeMediaType, naturalLanguage, rangeOfInteger, resolution, uriScheme attributes support this predicate.
- WITH-HOSTNAME “*/literal string/“*
- WITH-HOSTNAME “regular expression”
- Requires that at least one URI value contains a matching hostname.
- WITH-RESOURCE “*/literal string/“*
- WITH-RESOURCE “regular expression”
- Requires that at least one URI value contains a matching resource (including leading /).
- WITH-SCHEME “*/literal string/“*
- WITH-SCHEME “regular expression”
- Requires that at least one URI value contains a matching scheme.
- WITH-VALUE “*/literal string/“*
- Requires that at least one value of the EXPECT attribute matches the literal string. Comparisons are case-sensitive.
- *WITH-VALUE <*/number/
- *WITH-VALUE =*/number/
- *WITH-VALUE >*/number/
- *WITH-VALUE */number/[/,…,number/]
- Requires that at least one value of the EXPECT attribute matches the number(s) or numeric comparison. When comparing rangeOfInteger values, the “<” and “>” operators only check the upper bound of the range.
- WITH-VALUE “false”
- WITH-VALUE “true”
- Requires that at least one value of the EXPECT attribute matches the boolean value given.
- WITH-VALUE “regular expression”
- Requires that at least one value of the EXPECT attribute matches the regular expression, which must conform to the POSIX regular expression syntax. Comparisons are case-sensitive.
- *WITH-VALUE-FROM */attribute-name/
- Requires that the value(s) of the EXPECT attribute matches the value(s) in the specified attribute. For example, “EXPECT job-sheets WITH-VALUE-FROM job-sheets-supported” requires that the “job-sheets” value is listed as a value of the “job-sheets-supported” attribute.
The following predicates are understood following the STATUS test directive:
- *DEFINE-MATCH */variable-name/
- Defines the variable to “1” when the STATUS matches. A side-effect of this predicate is that this STATUS will never fail a test.
- *DEFINE-NO-MATCH */variable-name/
- Defines the variable to “1” when the STATUS does not match. A side-effect of this predicate is that this STATUS will never fail a test.
- *IF-DEFINED */variable-name/
- Makes the STATUS apply only if the specified variable is defined.
- *IF-NOT-DEFINED */variable-name/
- Makes the STATUS apply only if the specified variable is not defined.
- *REPEAT-LIMIT */number/
Specifies the maximum number of times to repeat. The default value is 1000.- REPEAT-MATCH
- Specifies that the current test should be repeated when the response status-code matches or does not match the value specified by the STATUS directive.
Operation codes correspond to the hexadecimal numbers (0xHHHH) and names from RFC 8011 and other IPP extension specifications. Here is a complete list of names supported by *ipptool*(8):
Acknowledge-Document Acknowledge-Identify-Printer Acknowledge-Job Activate-Printer Add-Document-Images Allocate-Printer-Resources Cancel-Current-Job Cancel-Job Cancel-Jobs Cancel-My-Jobs Cancel-Resource Cancel-Subscription Close-Job Create-Job Create-Job-Subscriptions Create-Printer Create-Printer-Subscriptions Create-Resource Create-Resource-Subscriptions Create-System-Subscriptions CUPS-Accept-Jobs CUPS-Accept-Jobs CUPS-Add-Modify-Class CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer CUPS-Authenticate-Job CUPS-Create-Local-Printer CUPS-Delete-Class CUPS-Delete-Printer CUPS-Get-Classes CUPS-Get-Default CUPS-Get-Devices CUPS-Get-Document CUPS-Get-PPD CUPS-Get-PPDs CUPS-Get-Printers CUPS-Move-Job CUPS-Reject-Jobs CUPS-Set-Default Deactivate-Printer Deallocate-Printer-Resources Delete-Printer Deregister-Output-Device Disable-All-Printers Disable-Printer Enable-All-Printers Enable-Printer Fetch-Document Fetch-Job Get-Job-Attributes Get-Jobs Get-Next-Document-Data Get-Notifications Get-Output-Device-Attributes Get-Printer-Attributes Get-Printer-Support-Files Get-Printer-Supported-Values Get-Printers Get-Subscription-Attributes Get-Subscriptions Get-System-Attributes Get-System-Supported-Values Hold-Job Hold-New-Jobs Identify-Printer Install-Resource Pause-All-Printers Pause-All-Printers-After-Current-Job Pause-Printer Pause-Printer-After-Current-Job Print-Job Print-URI Promote-Job Purge-Jobs Register-Output-Device Release-Held-New-Jobs Release-Job Renew-Subscription Reprocess-Job Restart-Job Restart-Printer Restart-System Resubmit-Job Resume-All-Printers Resume-Job Resume-Printer Schedule-Job-After Send-Document Send-Hardcopy-Document Send-Notifications Send-Resource-Data Send-URI Set-Job-Attributes Set-Printer-Attributes Set-Resource-Attributes Set-System-Attributes Shutdown-All-Printers Shutdown-One-Printer Shutdown-Printer Startup-All-Printers Startup-One-Printer Startup-Printer Suspend-Current-Job Update-Active-Jobs Update-Document-Status Update-Job-Status Update-Output-Device-Attributes Validate-Document Validate-Job
Status codes correspond to the hexadecimal numbers (0xHHHH) and names from RFC 8011 and other IPP extension specifications. Here is a complete list of the names supported by *ipptool*(8):
client-error-account-authorization-failed client-error-account-closed client-error-account-info-needed client-error-account-limit-reached client-error-attributes-not-settable client-error-attributes-or-values-not-supported client-error-bad-request client-error-charset-not-supported client-error-compression-error client-error-compression-not-supported client-error-conflicting-attributes client-error-document-access-error client-error-document-format-error client-error-document-format-not-supported client-error-document-password-error client-error-document-permission-error client-error-document-security-error client-error-document-unprintable-error client-error-forbidden client-error-gone client-error-ignored-all-notifications client-error-ignored-all-subscriptions client-error-not-authenticated client-error-not-authorized client-error-not-fetchable client-error-not-found client-error-not-possible client-error-print-support-file-not-found client-error-request-entity-too-large client-error-request-value-too-long client-error-timeout client-error-too-many-subscriptions client-error-uri-scheme-not-supported cups-error-account-authorization-failed cups-error-account-closed cups-error-account-info-needed cups-error-account-limit-reached cups-see-other redirection-other-site server-error-busy server-error-device-error server-error-internal-error server-error-job-canceled server-error-multiple-document-jobs-not-supported server-error-not-accepting-jobs server-error-operation-not-supported server-error-printer-is-deactivated server-error-service-unavailable server-error-temporary-error server-error-version-not-supported successful-ok successful-ok-but-cancel-subscription successful-ok-conflicting-attributes successful-ok-events-complete successful-ok-ignored-notifications successful-ok-ignored-or-substituted-attributes successful-ok-ignored-subscriptions successful-ok-too-many-events
Value and group tags correspond to the names from RFC 8011 and other IPP extension specifications. Here are the group tags:
document-attributes-tag event-notification-attributes-tag job | job-attributes-tag operation | operation-attributes-tag printer | printer-attributes-tag resource-attributes-tag subscription-attributes-tag system-attributes-tag unsupported-attributes-tag
Here are the value tags:
admin-define boolean charset collection | begCollection dateTime default delete-attribute enum integer keyword language | naturalLanguage mimetype | mimeMediaType name | nameWithLanguage | nameWithoutLanguage no-value not-settable octetString rangeOfInteger resolution text | textWithLanguage | textWithoutLanguage unknown unsupported uri uriScheme
The *ipptool*(8) program maintains a list of variables that can be used in any literal string or attribute value by specifying “$variable-name”. Aside from variables defined using the -d option or DEFINE directive, the following pre-defined variables are available:
- $$
- Inserts a single “$” character.
- $ENV[*/name/*]
- Inserts the value of the named environment variable, or an empty string if the environment variable is not defined.
- $date-current
- Inserts the current date and time using the ISO-8601 format (“yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ”).
- $date-start
- Inserts the starting date and time using the ISO-8601 format (“yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ”).
- $filename
- Inserts the filename provided to *ipptool*(8) with the -f option.
- $filetype
- Inserts the MIME media type for the filename provided to *ipptool*(8) with the -f option.
- $hostname
- Inserts the hostname from the URI provided to *ipptool*(8).
- $job-id
- Inserts the last “job-id” attribute value returned in a test response or 0 if no “job-id” attribute has been seen.
- $job-uri
- Inserts the last “job-uri” attribute value returned in a test response or an empty string if no “job-uri” attribute has been seen.
- $notify-subscription-id
- Inserts the last “notify-subscription-id” attribute value returned in a test response or 0 if no “notify-subscription-id” attribute has been seen.
- $port
- Inserts the port number from the URI provided to *ipptool*(8).
- $resource
- Inserts the resource path from the URI provided to *ipptool*(8).
- $scheme
- Inserts the scheme from the URI provided to *ipptool*(8).
- $uri
- Inserts the URI provided to *ipptool*(8).
- $uriuser
- Inserts the username from the URI provided to *ipptool*(8), if any.
- $user
- Inserts the current user’s login name.
*ipptool*(1), IANA IPP Registry (, PWG Internet Printing Protocol Workgroup (, RFC 8011 (
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