Manpages - zmq_has.3

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zmq_has - check a ZMQ capability


int zmq_has (const char *capability);


The zmq_has() function shall report whether a specified capability is available in the library. This allows bindings and applications to probe a library directly, for transport and security options.

Capabilities shall be lowercase strings. The following capabilities are defined:


ipc - the library supports the ipc:// protocol


pgm - the library supports the pgm:// protocol


tipc - the library supports the tipc:// protocol


norm - the library supports the norm:// protocol


curve - the library supports the CURVE security mechanism


gssapi - the library supports the GSSAPI security mechanism


draft - the library is built with the draft api

When this method is provided, the zmq.h header file will define ZMQ_HAS_CAPABILITIES.


The zmq_has() function shall return 1 if the specified capability is provided. Otherwise it shall return 0.


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Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-20 Sun 21:28