Manpages - unibi_dump.3

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unibi_dump - convert a terminal object to compiled terminfo data


#include <unibilium.h> size_t unibi_dump(const unibi_term *ut, char *p, size_t n);


This function creates a compiled terminfo entry from ut. The output is written to p, which must have room for at least n bytes.

If all numeric properties in ut have values that fit in 15 bits, the traditional ncurses terminfo format is used (starting with the bytes 1A 01), otherwise the newer wide integer format (starting with the bytes 1E 02) is used.


unibi_dump returns the number of bytes required to store the terminfo data. If this exceeds n, nothing is written to p. If the terminal object can’t be represented in terminfo format (e.g. because the string table would be too large), the return value is SIZE_MAX.


ut can’t be converted to terminfo format.
The resulting terminfo entry would be longer than n bytes.


unibilium.h (3), unibi_destroy (3), unibi_from_mem (3)

Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-20 Sun 19:50