Manpages - termkey_interpret_modereport.3

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termkey_interpret_modereport - interpret opaque mode report data


  #include <termkey.h>

  TermKeyResult termkey_interpret_modereport(TermKey *tk, const TermKeyKey *key, 
   int *initial, int *mode, int *value);

Link with -ltermkey.


termkey_interpret_modereport*() fills in variables in the passed pointers according to the mode report event found in key. It should be called if *termkey_getkey*(3) or similar have returned a key event with the type of *TERMKEY_TYPE_MODEREPORT.

Any pointer may instead be given as NULL to not return that value.

The initial variable will be filled with 0 for an ANSI mode report, or '?' for a DEC mode report. The mode variable will be filled with the number of the mode, and value will be filled with the value from the report.


If passed a key event of the type TERMKEY_TYPE_MODEREPORT, this function will return TERMKEY_RES_KEY and will affect the variables whose pointers were passed in, as described above.

For other event types it will return TERMKEY_RES_NONE, and its effects on any variables whose pointers were passed in, are undefined.


*termkey_waitkey*(3), *termkey_getkey*(3), *termkey*(7)

Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-20 Sun 20:13