Manpages - std_tr1.3

Table of Contents


std::tr1 - ISO C++ TR1 entities toplevel namespace is std::tr1.



namespace __detail
Implementation details not part of the namespace std::tr1 interface.


template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type assoc_laguerre (unsigned int __n, unsigned int __m, _Tp __x) Associated Laguerre polynomials.

float assoc_laguerref (unsigned int __n, unsigned int __m, float __x)

long double assoc_laguerrel (unsigned int __n, unsigned int __m, long double __x)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type assoc_legendre (unsigned int __l, unsigned int __m, _Tp __x) Associated Legendre functions.

float assoc_legendref (unsigned int __l, unsigned int __m, float __x)

long double assoc_legendrel (unsigned int __l, unsigned int __m, long double __x)

template<typename _Tpx , typename _Tpy > __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tpx, _Tpy >::__type beta (_Tpx __x, _Tpy __y) Beta functions.

float betaf (float __x, float __y)

long double betal (long double __x, long double __y)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type comp_ellint_1 (_Tp __k) Complete elliptic integrals of the first kind.

float comp_ellint_1f (float __k)

long double comp_ellint_1l (long double __k)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type comp_ellint_2 (_Tp __k) Complete elliptic integrals of the second kind.

float comp_ellint_2f (float __k)

long double comp_ellint_2l (long double __k)

template<typename _Tp , typename _Tpn > __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Tpn >::__type comp_ellint_3 (_Tp __k, _Tpn __nu) Complete elliptic integrals of the third kind.

float comp_ellint_3f (float __k, float __nu)

long double comp_ellint_3l (long double __k, long double __nu)

template<typename _Tpa , typename _Tpc , typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote_3< _Tpa, _Tpc, _Tp >::__type conf_hyperg (_Tpa __a, _Tpc __c, _Tp __x) Confluent hypergeometric functions.

float conf_hypergf (float __a, float __c, float __x)

long double conf_hypergl (long double __a, long double __c, long double __x)

template<typename _Tp > std::complex*< typename __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type > *conj (_Tp __x)

template<typename _Tp > std::complex*< _Tp > *conj (const *std::complex*< _Tp > &__z)

template<typename _Tpnu , typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tpnu, _Tp >::__type cyl_bessel_i (_Tpnu __nu, _Tp __x) Regular modified cylindrical Bessel functions.

float cyl_bessel_if (float __nu, float __x)

long double cyl_bessel_il (long double __nu, long double __x)

template<typename _Tpnu , typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tpnu, _Tp >::__type cyl_bessel_j (_Tpnu __nu, _Tp __x) Cylindrical Bessel functions (of the first kind).

float cyl_bessel_jf (float __nu, float __x)

long double cyl_bessel_jl (long double __nu, long double __x)

template<typename _Tpnu , typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tpnu, _Tp >::__type cyl_bessel_k (_Tpnu __nu, _Tp __x) Irregular modified cylindrical Bessel functions.

float cyl_bessel_kf (float __nu, float __x)

long double cyl_bessel_kl (long double __nu, long double __x)

template<typename _Tpnu , typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tpnu, _Tp >::__type cyl_neumann (_Tpnu __nu, _Tp __x) Cylindrical Neumann functions.

float cyl_neumannf (float __nu, float __x)

long double cyl_neumannl (long double __nu, long double __x)

template<typename _Tp , typename _Tpp > __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Tpp >::__type ellint_1 (_Tp __k, _Tpp __phi) Incomplete elliptic integrals of the first kind.

float ellint_1f (float __k, float __phi)

long double ellint_1l (long double __k, long double __phi)

template<typename _Tp , typename _Tpp > __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Tpp >::__type ellint_2 (_Tp __k, _Tpp __phi) Incomplete elliptic integrals of the second kind.

float ellint_2f (float __k, float __phi)

long double ellint_2l (long double __k, long double __phi)

template<typename _Tp , typename _Tpn , typename _Tpp > __gnu_cxx::__promote_3< _Tp, _Tpn, _Tpp >::__type ellint_3 (_Tp __k, _Tpn __nu, _Tpp __phi) Incomplete elliptic integrals of the third kind.

float ellint_3f (float __k, float __nu, float __phi)

long double ellint_3l (long double __k, long double __nu, long double __phi)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type expint (_Tp __x) Exponential integrals.

float expintf (float __x)

long double expintl (long double __x)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type fabs (_Tp __x)

template<typename _Tp > std::complex*< _Tp > *fabs (const *std::complex*< _Tp > &__z)
fabs(__z) [8.1.8].

float fabs (float __x)

long double fabs (long double __x)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type hermite (unsigned int __n, _Tp __x) Hermite polynomials.

float hermitef (unsigned int __n, float __x)

long double hermitel (unsigned int __n, long double __x)

template<typename _Tpa , typename _Tpb , typename _Tpc , typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote_4< _Tpa, _Tpb, _Tpc, _Tp >::__type hyperg (_Tpa __a, _Tpb __b, _Tpc __c, _Tp __x) Hypergeometric functions.

float hypergf (float __a, float __b, float __c, float __x)

long double hypergl (long double __a, long double __b, long double __c, long double __x)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type laguerre (unsigned int __n, _Tp __x) Laguerre polynomials.

float laguerref (unsigned int __n, float __x)

long double laguerrel (unsigned int __n, long double __x)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type legendre (unsigned int __n, _Tp __x) Legendre polynomials.

float legendref (unsigned int __n, float __x)

long double legendrel (unsigned int __n, long double __x)

template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > std::complex*< typename __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Up >::__type > *polar (const _Tp &__rho, const _Up &__theta)

template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Up >::__type pow (_Tp __x, _Up __y)

template<typename _Tp > std::complex*< _Tp > *pow (const _Tp &__x, const *std::complex*< _Tp > &__y)

template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > std::complex*< typename __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Up >::__type > *pow (const _Tp &__x, const *std::complex*< _Up > &__y)

template<typename _Tp > std::complex*< _Tp > *pow (const *std::complex*< _Tp > &__x, const _Tp &__y)

template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > std::complex*< typename __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Up >::__type > *pow (const *std::complex*< _Tp > &__x, const _Up &__y)
Additional overloads [8.1.9].

template<typename _Tp > std::complex*< _Tp > *pow (const *std::complex*< _Tp > &__x, const *std::complex*< _Tp > &__y)

template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > std::complex*< typename __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Up >::__type > *pow (const *std::complex*< _Tp > &__x, const *std::complex*< _Up > &__y)

float pow (float __x, float __y)

long double pow (long double __x, long double __y)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type riemann_zeta (_Tp __x) Riemann zeta function.

float riemann_zetaf (float __x)

long double riemann_zetal (long double __x)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type sph_bessel (unsigned int __n, _Tp __x) Spherical Bessel functions.

float sph_besself (unsigned int __n, float __x)

long double sph_bessell (unsigned int __n, long double __x)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type sph_legendre (unsigned int __l, unsigned int __m, _Tp __theta) Spherical associated Legendre functions.

float sph_legendref (unsigned int __l, unsigned int __m, float __theta)

long double sph_legendrel (unsigned int __l, unsigned int __m, long double __theta)

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type sph_neumann (unsigned int __n, _Tp __x) Spherical Neumann functions.

float sph_neumannf (unsigned int __n, float __x)

long double sph_neumannl (unsigned int __n, long double __x)

Detailed Description

ISO C++ TR1 entities toplevel namespace is std::tr1.

Function Documentation

template<typename _Tp > __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type

std::tr1::fabs (_Tp __x)= [inline]= Definition at line 1119 of file tr1/cmath.

float std::tr1::fabs (float __x)= [inline]=

Definition at line 1108 of file tr1/cmath.

long double std::tr1::fabs (long double __x)= [inline]=

Definition at line 1112 of file tr1/cmath.

template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp,

_Up >::__type std::tr1::pow (_Tp __x, _Up __y)= [inline]= Definition at line 1090 of file tr1/cmath.

float std::tr1::pow (float __x, float __y)= [inline]=

Definition at line 1080 of file tr1/cmath.

long double std::tr1::pow (long double __x, long double

__y)= [inline]= Definition at line 1084 of file tr1/cmath.


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Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-21 Mon 11:17