Manpages - std_istreambuf_iterator.3

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std::istreambuf_iterator< _CharT, _Traits > - Provides input iterator semantics for streambufs.


#include <streambuf_iterator.h>

Inherits std::iterator< input_iterator_tag, _CharT, _Traits::off_type, _CharT *, _CharT >.

Public Types

typedef _Traits::off_type difference_type
Distance between iterators is represented as this type.

typedef input_iterator_tag iterator_category
One of the tag types.

typedef _CharT * pointer
This type represents a pointer-to-value_type.

typedef _CharT reference
This type represents a reference-to-value_type.

typedef _CharT value_type
The type ’pointed to’ by the iterator.

typedef _CharT char_type
Public typedefs.

typedef _Traits traits_type
Public typedefs.

typedef _Traits::int_type int_type
Public typedefs.

typedef basic_streambuf*< _CharT, _Traits > *streambuf_type
Public typedefs.

typedef basic_istream*< _CharT, _Traits > *istream_type
Public typedefs.

Public Member Functions

constexpr istreambuf_iterator () noexcept
Construct end of input stream iterator.

istreambuf_iterator (const istreambuf_iterator &) noexcept=default

istreambuf_iterator (istream_type &__s) noexcept
Construct start of input stream iterator.

istreambuf_iterator (streambuf_type *__s) noexcept
Construct start of streambuf iterator.

bool equal (const istreambuf_iterator &__b) const
Return true both iterators are end or both are not end.

char_type operator* () const
Return the current character pointed to by iterator. This returns streambuf.sgetc(). It cannot be assigned. NB: The result of operator*() on an end of stream is undefined.

istreambuf_iterator & operator++ ()
Advance the iterator. Calls streambuf.sbumpc().

istreambuf_iterator operator++ (int)
Advance the iterator. Calls streambuf.sbumpc().

istreambuf_iterator & operator= (const istreambuf_iterator &) noexcept=default


template<bool _IsMove, typename _CharT2 > __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_char< _CharT2 >::__value, _CharT2 * >::__type __copy_move_a2 (*istreambuf_iterator*< _CharT2 >, *istreambuf_iterator*< _CharT2 >, _CharT2 *)

template<typename _CharT2 , typename _Size > __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_char< _CharT2 >::__value, _CharT2 * >::__type __copy_n_a (*istreambuf_iterator*< _CharT2 >, _Size, _CharT2 *, bool)

template<typename _CharT2 , typename _Distance > __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_char< _CharT2 >::__value, void >::__type advance (*istreambuf_iterator*< _CharT2 > &, _Distance)

template<typename _CharT2 > __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_char< _CharT2 >::__value, ostreambuf_iterator*< _CharT2 > >::__type *copy (*istreambuf_iterator*< _CharT2 >, *istreambuf_iterator*< _CharT2 >, *ostreambuf_iterator*< _CharT2 >)

template<typename _CharT2 > __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_char< _CharT2 >::__value, istreambuf_iterator*< _CharT2 > >::__type *find (*istreambuf_iterator*< _CharT2 >, *istreambuf_iterator*< _CharT2 >, const _CharT2 &)

Detailed Description

“template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>

class std::istreambuf_iterator< _CharT, _Traits >“Provides input iterator semantics for streambufs.

Definition at line 50 of file streambuf_iterator.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > typedef _CharT

std::istreambuf_iterator*< _CharT, _Traits >::*char_type Public typedefs.

Definition at line 66 of file streambuf_iterator.h.

typedef _Traits::off_type std::iterator*< *input_iterator_tag ,

_CharT , _Traits::off_type , _CharT * , _CharT >::*difference_type*= [inherited]= Distance between iterators is represented as this type.

Definition at line 134 of file stl_iterator_base_types.h.

template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > typedef

_Traits::int_type std::istreambuf_iterator*< _CharT, _Traits >::*int_type Public typedefs.

Definition at line 68 of file streambuf_iterator.h.

template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > typedef

basic_istream*<_CharT, _Traits> *std::istreambuf_iterator*< _CharT, _Traits >::*istream_type Public typedefs.

Definition at line 70 of file streambuf_iterator.h.

typedef input_iterator_tag std::iterator*< *input_iterator_tag ,

_CharT , _Traits::off_type , _CharT * , _CharT >::*iterator_category*= [inherited]= One of the tag types.

Definition at line 130 of file stl_iterator_base_types.h.

typedef _CharT * std::iterator*< *input_iterator_tag , _CharT ,

_Traits::off_type , _CharT * , _CharT >::*pointer*= [inherited]= This type represents a pointer-to-value_type.

Definition at line 136 of file stl_iterator_base_types.h.

typedef _CharT std::iterator*< *input_iterator_tag , _CharT ,

_Traits::off_type , _CharT * , _CharT >::*reference*= [inherited]= This type represents a reference-to-value_type.

Definition at line 138 of file stl_iterator_base_types.h.

template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > typedef

basic_streambuf*<_CharT, _Traits> *std::istreambuf_iterator*< _CharT, _Traits >::*streambuf_type Public typedefs.

Definition at line 69 of file streambuf_iterator.h.

template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > typedef _Traits

std::istreambuf_iterator*< _CharT, _Traits >::*traits_type Public typedefs.

Definition at line 67 of file streambuf_iterator.h.

typedef _CharT std::iterator*< *input_iterator_tag , _CharT ,

_Traits::off_type , _CharT * , _CharT >::*value_type*= [inherited]= The type ’pointed to’ by the iterator.

Definition at line 132 of file stl_iterator_base_types.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > constexpr

std::istreambuf_iterator*< _CharT, _Traits >::*istreambuf_iterator ()= [inline]=, = [constexpr]=, = [noexcept]= Construct end of input stream iterator.

Definition at line 114 of file streambuf_iterator.h.

template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits >

std::istreambuf_iterator*< _CharT, _Traits >::*istreambuf_iterator (istream_type & __s)= [inline]=, = [noexcept]= Construct start of input stream iterator.

Definition at line 129 of file streambuf_iterator.h.

template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits >

std::istreambuf_iterator*< _CharT, _Traits >::*istreambuf_iterator (streambuf_type * __s)= [inline]=, = [noexcept]= Construct start of streambuf iterator.

Definition at line 133 of file streambuf_iterator.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > bool

*std::istreambuf_iterator*< _CharT, _Traits >::equal (const *istreambuf_iterator*< _CharT, _Traits > & __b) const= [inline]= Return true both iterators are end or both are not end.

Definition at line 193 of file streambuf_iterator.h.

template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > char_type

std::istreambuf_iterator*< _CharT, _Traits >::operator () const= [inline]= Return the current character pointed to by iterator. This returns streambuf.sgetc(). It cannot be assigned. NB: The result of operator*() on an end of stream is undefined.

Definition at line 145 of file streambuf_iterator.h.

template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > istreambuf_iterator &

*std::istreambuf_iterator*< _CharT, _Traits >::operator++ ()= [inline]= Advance the iterator. Calls streambuf.sbumpc().

Definition at line 161 of file streambuf_iterator.h.

template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > istreambuf_iterator

*std::istreambuf_iterator*< _CharT, _Traits >::operator++ (int)= [inline]= Advance the iterator. Calls streambuf.sbumpc().

Definition at line 175 of file streambuf_iterator.h.


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Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-20 Sun 20:22