Manpages - std_filesystem.3

Table of Contents


std::filesystem - ISO C++ 2017 namespace for File System library.



struct __directory_iterator_proxy
Proxy returned by post-increment on directory iterators.

class directory_entry
The value type used by directory iterators.

class directory_iterator
Iterator type for traversing the entries in a single directory.

class file_status
Information about a file’s type and permissions.

class filesystem_error
Exception type thrown by the Filesystem library.

class path
A filesystem path.

class recursive_directory_iterator
Iterator type for recursively traversing a directory hierarchy.


using file_time_type = __file_clock::time_point


enum class copy_options : unsigned short { none, skip_existing, overwrite_existing, update_existing, recursive, copy_symlinks, skip_symlinks, directories_only, create_symlinks, create_hard_links }
Bitmask type.

enum class directory_options : unsigned char { none, follow_directory_symlink, skip_permission_denied }

enum class file_type : signed char { none, not_found, regular, directory, symlink, block, character, fifo, socket, unknown }

enum class perm_options : unsigned { replace, add, remove, nofollow }
Bitmask type.

enum class perms : unsigned { none, owner_read, owner_write, owner_exec, owner_all, group_read, group_write, group_exec, group_all, others_read, others_write, others_exec, others_all, all, set_uid, set_gid, sticky_bit, mask, unknown }
Bitmask type.


path absolute (const path &__p)

path absolute (const path &__p, error_code &__ec)

path canonical (const path &__p)

path canonical (const path &__p, error_code &__ec)

void copy (const path &__from, const path &__to)

void copy (const path &__from, const path &__to, copy_options __options)

void copy (const path &__from, const path &__to, copy_options __options, error_code &)

void copy (const path &__from, const path &__to, error_code &__ec)

bool copy_file (const path &__from, const path &__to)

bool copy_file (const path &__from, const path &__to, copy_options __option)

bool copy_file (const path &__from, const path &__to, copy_options __option, error_code &)

bool copy_file (const path &__from, const path &__to, error_code &__ec)

void copy_symlink (const path &__existing_symlink, const path &__new_symlink)

void copy_symlink (const path &__existing_symlink, const path &__new_symlink, error_code &__ec) noexcept

bool create_directories (const path &__p)

bool create_directories (const path &__p, error_code &__ec)

bool create_directory (const path &__p)

bool create_directory (const path &__p, const path &attributes)

bool create_directory (const path &__p, const path &attributes, error_code &__ec) noexcept

bool create_directory (const path &__p, error_code &__ec) noexcept

void create_directory_symlink (const path &__to, const path &__new_symlink)

void create_directory_symlink (const path &__to, const path &__new_symlink, error_code &__ec) noexcept

void create_hard_link (const path &__to, const path &__new_hard_link)

void create_hard_link (const path &__to, const path &__new_hard_link, error_code &__ec) noexcept

void create_symlink (const path &__to, const path &__new_symlink)

void create_symlink (const path &__to, const path &__new_symlink, error_code &__ec) noexcept

path current_path ()

void current_path (const path &__p)

void current_path (const path &__p, error_code &__ec) noexcept

path current_path (error_code &__ec)

bool equivalent (const path &__p1, const path &__p2)

bool equivalent (const path &__p1, const path &__p2, error_code &__ec) noexcept

bool exists (const path &__p)

bool exists (const path &__p, error_code &__ec) noexcept

bool exists (file_status) noexcept

uintmax_t file_size (const path &)

uintmax_t file_size (const path &, error_code &) noexcept

uintmax_t hard_link_count (const path &)

uintmax_t hard_link_count (const path &, error_code &) noexcept

bool is_block_file (const path &__p)

bool is_block_file (const path &__p, error_code &__ec) noexcept

bool is_block_file (file_status __s) noexcept

bool is_character_file (const path &__p)

bool is_character_file (const path &__p, error_code &__ec) noexcept

bool is_character_file (file_status __s) noexcept

bool is_directory (const path &__p)

bool is_directory (const path &__p, error_code &__ec) noexcept

bool is_directory (file_status __s) noexcept

bool is_empty (const path &__p)

bool is_empty (const path &__p, error_code &__ec)

bool is_fifo (const path &__p)

bool is_fifo (const path &__p, error_code &__ec) noexcept

bool is_fifo (file_status __s) noexcept

bool is_other (const path &__p)

bool is_other (const path &__p, error_code &__ec) noexcept

bool is_other (file_status) noexcept

bool is_regular_file (const path &__p)

bool is_regular_file (const path &__p, error_code &__ec) noexcept

bool is_regular_file (file_status) noexcept

bool is_socket (const path &__p)

bool is_socket (const path &__p, error_code &__ec) noexcept

bool is_socket (file_status __s) noexcept

bool is_symlink (const path &__p)

bool is_symlink (const path &__p, error_code &__ec) noexcept

bool is_symlink (file_status) noexcept

file_time_type last_write_time (const path &)

file_time_type last_write_time (const path &, error_code &) noexcept

void last_write_time (const path &__p, file_time_type __new_time)

void last_write_time (const path &__p, file_time_type __new_time, error_code &__ec) noexcept

constexpr copy_options operator& (copy_options __x, copy_options __y) noexcept

constexpr directory_options operator& (directory_options __x, directory_options __y) noexcept

constexpr perm_options operator& (perm_options __x, perm_options __y) noexcept

constexpr perms operator& (perms __x, perms __y) noexcept

copy_options & operator&= (copy_options &__x, copy_options __y) noexcept

directory_options & operator&= (directory_options &__x, directory_options __y) noexcept

perm_options & operator&= (perm_options &__x, perm_options __y) noexcept

perms & operator&= (perms &__x, perms __y) noexcept

constexpr copy_options operator^ (copy_options __x, copy_options __y) noexcept

constexpr directory_options operator^ (directory_options __x, directory_options __y) noexcept

constexpr perm_options operator^ (perm_options __x, perm_options __y) noexcept

constexpr perms operator^ (perms __x, perms __y) noexcept

copy_options & operator^= (copy_options &__x, copy_options __y) noexcept

directory_options & operator^= (directory_options &__x, directory_options __y) noexcept

perm_options & operator^= (perm_options &__x, perm_options __y) noexcept

perms & operator^= (perms &__x, perms __y) noexcept

constexpr copy_options operator| (copy_options __x, copy_options __y) noexcept

constexpr directory_options operator| (directory_options __x, directory_options __y) noexcept

constexpr perm_options operator| (perm_options __x, perm_options __y) noexcept

constexpr perms operator| (perms __x, perms __y) noexcept

copy_options & operator|= (copy_options &__x, copy_options __y) noexcept

directory_options & operator|= (directory_options &__x, directory_options __y) noexcept

perm_options & operator|= (perm_options &__x, perm_options __y) noexcept

perms & operator|= (perms &__x, perms __y) noexcept

constexpr copy_options operator~ (copy_options __x) noexcept

constexpr directory_options operator~ (directory_options __x) noexcept

constexpr perm_options operator~ (perm_options __x) noexcept

constexpr perms operator~ (perms __x) noexcept

void permissions (const path &, perms, perm_options, error_code &) noexcept

void permissions (const path &__p, perms __prms, error_code &__ec) noexcept

void permissions (const path &__p, perms __prms, perm_options __opts=perm_options::replace)

path proximate (const path &__p, const path &__base, error_code &__ec)

path proximate (const path &__p, const path &__base=current_path())

path proximate (const path &__p, error_code &__ec)

path read_symlink (const path &__p)

path read_symlink (const path &__p, error_code &__ec)

path relative (const path &__p, const path &__base, error_code &__ec)

path relative (const path &__p, const path &__base=current_path())

path relative (const path &__p, error_code &__ec)

bool remove (const path &__p)

bool remove (const path &__p, error_code &__ec) noexcept

uintmax_t remove_all (const path &__p)

uintmax_t remove_all (const path &__p, error_code &__ec)

void rename (const path &__from, const path &__to)

void rename (const path &__from, const path &__to, error_code &__ec) noexcept

void resize_file (const path &__p, uintmax_t __size)

void resize_file (const path &__p, uintmax_t __size, error_code &__ec) noexcept

space_info space (const path &__p)

space_info space (const path &__p, error_code &__ec) noexcept

file_status status (const path &)

file_status status (const path &, error_code &) noexcept

bool status_known (file_status) noexcept

file_status symlink_status (const path &)

file_status symlink_status (const path &, error_code &) noexcept

path temp_directory_path ()

path temp_directory_path (error_code &__ec)

path weakly_canonical (const path &__p)

path weakly_canonical (const path &__p, error_code &__ec)

Detailed Description

ISO C++ 2017 namespace for File System library.

Typedef Documentation

using std::filesystem::file_time_type = typedef

__file_clock::time_point Definition at line 298 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum class std::filesystem::copy_options : unsigned

short= [strong]= Bitmask type.

Definition at line 81 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

enum class std::filesystem::directory_options : unsigned

char= [strong]= Definition at line 251 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

enum class std::filesystem::file_type : signed char= [strong]=

Definition at line 75 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

enum class std::filesystem::perm_options : unsigned= [strong]=

Bitmask type.

Definition at line 200 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

enum class std::filesystem::perms : unsigned= [strong]=

Bitmask type.

Definition at line 134 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

Function Documentation

constexpr copy_options std::filesystem::operator& (copy_options

__x, copy_options __y)= [constexpr]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 90 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

constexpr directory_options std::filesystem::operator&

(directory_options __x, directory_options __y)= [constexpr]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 256 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

constexpr perm_options std::filesystem::operator& (perm_options

__x, perm_options __y)= [constexpr]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 208 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

constexpr perms std::filesystem::operator& (perms __x, perms

__y)= [constexpr]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 157 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

copy_options & std::filesystem::operator&= (copy_options & __x,

copy_options __y)= [inline]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 121 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

directory_options & std::filesystem::operator&= (directory_options &

__x, directory_options __y)= [inline]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 287 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

perm_options & std::filesystem::operator&= (perm_options & __x,

perm_options __y)= [inline]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 239 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

perms & std::filesystem::operator&= (perms & __x, perms

__y)= [inline]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 188 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

constexpr copy_options std::filesystem::operator^ (copy_options

__x, copy_options __y)= [constexpr]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 106 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

constexpr directory_options std::filesystem::operator^

(directory_options __x, directory_options __y)= [constexpr]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 272 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

constexpr perm_options std::filesystem::operator^ (perm_options

__x, perm_options __y)= [constexpr]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 224 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

constexpr perms std::filesystem::operator^ (perms __x, perms

__y)= [constexpr]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 173 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

copy_options & std::filesystem::operator^= (copy_options & __x,

copy_options __y)= [inline]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 129 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

directory_options & std::filesystem::operator^= (directory_options &

__x, directory_options __y)= [inline]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 295 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

perm_options & std::filesystem::operator^= (perm_options & __x,

perm_options __y)= [inline]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 247 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

perms & std::filesystem::operator^= (perms & __x, perms

__y)= [inline]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 196 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

constexpr copy_options std::filesystem::operator| (copy_options

__x, copy_options __y)= [constexpr]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 98 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

constexpr directory_options std::filesystem::operator|

(directory_options __x, directory_options __y)= [constexpr]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 264 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

constexpr perm_options std::filesystem::operator| (perm_options

__x, perm_options __y)= [constexpr]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 216 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

constexpr perms std::filesystem::operator| (perms __x, perms

__y)= [constexpr]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 165 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

copy_options & std::filesystem::operator|= (copy_options & __x,

copy_options __y)= [inline]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 125 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

directory_options & std::filesystem::operator|= (directory_options &

__x, directory_options __y)= [inline]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 291 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

perm_options & std::filesystem::operator|= (perm_options & __x,

perm_options __y)= [inline]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 243 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

perms & std::filesystem::operator|= (perms & __x, perms

__y)= [inline]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 192 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

constexpr copy_options std::filesystem::operator~ (copy_options

__x)= [constexpr]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 114 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

constexpr directory_options std::filesystem::operator~

(directory_options __x)= [constexpr]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 280 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

constexpr perm_options std::filesystem::operator~ (perm_options

__x)= [constexpr]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 232 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.

constexpr perms std::filesystem::operator~ (perms

__x)= [constexpr]=, = [noexcept]= Definition at line 181 of file bits/fs_fwd.h.


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Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-20 Sun 20:40