Manpages - sd_bus_process.3

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sd_bus_process - Drive the connection


  #include <systemd/sd-bus.h>

int sd_bus_process(sd_bus **/bus/, sd_bus_message **/ret/);*


sd_bus_process() drives the connection between the client and the message bus. That is, it handles connecting, authentication, and message processing. When invoked pending I/O work is executed, and queued incoming messages are dispatched to registered callbacks. Each time it is invoked a single operation is executed. It returns zero when no operations were pending and positive if a message was processed. When zero is returned the caller should synchronously poll for I/O events before calling into sd_bus_process() again. For that either use the simple, synchronous *sd_bus_wait*(3) call, or hook up the bus connection object to an external or manual event loop using *sd_bus_get_fd*(3).

sd_bus_process() processes at most one incoming message per call. If the parameter ret is not NULL and the call processed a message, *ret is set to this message. The caller owns a reference to this message and should call sd_bus_message_unref*(3) when the message is no longer needed. If ret is not *NULL, progress was made, but no message was processed, *ret is set to NULL.

If the bus object is connected to an sd-event*(3) event loop (with *sd_bus_attach_event*(3)), it is not necessary to call *sd_bus_process() directly as it is invoked automatically when necessary.


If progress was made, a positive integer is returned. If no progress was made, 0 is returned. If an error occurs, a negative errno-style error code is returned.


Returned errors may indicate the following problems:


An invalid bus object was passed.


The bus connection was allocated in a parent process and is being reused in a child process after fork().


The bus connection has been terminated already.


The bus connection has been terminated just now.


This function is already being called, i.e. sd_bus_process() has been called from a callback function that itself was called by sd_bus_process().


These APIs are implemented as a shared library, which can be compiled and linked to with the libsystemd *pkg-config*(1) file.


*systemd*(1), *sd-bus*(3), *sd_bus_wait*(3), *sd_bus_get_fd*(3), *sd_bus_message_unref*(3), *sd-event*(3), *sd_bus_attach_event*(3)

Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-21 Mon 14:58