Manpages - gnutls_certificate_set_ocsp_status_request_mem.3

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gnutls_certificate_set_ocsp_status_request_mem - API function


#include <gnutls/gnutls.h>

int gnutls_certificate_set_ocsp_status_request_mem(gnutls_certificate_credentials_t */sc/, const gnutls_datum_t * resp_data, unsigned idx, gnutls_x509_crt_fmt_t fmt);*


gnutls_certificate_credentials_t sc
is a credentials structure.
const gnutls_datum_t * resp_data
a memory buffer holding an OCSP response
unsigned idx
is a certificate index as returned by gnutls_certificate_set_key() and friends
gnutls_x509_crt_fmt_t fmt
is PEM or DER


This function sets the OCSP responses to be sent to the peer for the certificate chain specified by idx . When fmt is set to PEM, multiple responses can be loaded.


the ability to set multiple OCSP responses per credential structure via the index idx was added in version 3.5.6. To keep backwards compatibility, it requires using gnutls_certificate_set_flags() with the GNUTLS_CERTIFICATE_API_V2 flag to make the set certificate functions return an index usable by this function.

This function must be called after setting any certificates, and cannot be used for certificates that are provided via a callback – that is when gnutls_certificate_set_retrieve_function() is used.

This function can be called multiple times when multiple responses which apply to the certificate chain are available. If the response provided does not match any certificates present in the chain, the code GNUTLS_E_OCSP_MISMATCH_WITH_CERTS is returned. If the response is already expired at the time of loading the code GNUTLS_E_EXPIRED is returned.


On success, the number of loaded responses is returned, otherwise a negative error code.




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Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-20 Sun 15:47