Manpages - encode.h.3

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encode.h - API for Brotli compression.



Default value for /*BROTLI_PARAM_MODE* parameter. /

Default value for /*BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY* parameter. /

Default value for /*BROTLI_PARAM_LGWIN* parameter. /

Maximal value for /*BROTLI_PARAM_LGWIN* parameter in ’Large Window Brotli’ (32-bit). /

Maximal value for /*BROTLI_PARAM_LGBLOCK* parameter. /

Maximal value for /*BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY* parameter. /

Maximal value for /*BROTLI_PARAM_LGWIN* parameter. /

Minimal value for /*BROTLI_PARAM_LGBLOCK* parameter. /

Minimal value for /*BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY* parameter. /

Minimal value for /*BROTLI_PARAM_LGWIN* parameter. /


typedef enum BrotliEncoderMode BrotliEncoderMode
Options for /*BROTLI_PARAM_MODE* parameter. /

typedef enum BrotliEncoderOperation BrotliEncoderOperation
/Operations that can be performed by streaming encoder. /

typedef enum BrotliEncoderParameter BrotliEncoderParameter
Options to be used with /*BrotliEncoderSetParameter*. /

typedef struct BrotliEncoderStateStruct BrotliEncoderState
/Opaque structure that holds encoder state. /



BROTLI_BOOL BrotliEncoderCompress (int quality, int lgwin, BrotliEncoderMode mode, size_t input_size, const uint8_t input_buffer[input_size], size_t *encoded_size, uint8_t encoded_buffer[*encoded_size])
/Performs one-shot memory-to-memory compression. /

BROTLI_BOOL BrotliEncoderCompressStream (BrotliEncoderState *state, BrotliEncoderOperation op, size_t *available_in, const uint8_t **next_in, size_t *available_out, uint8_t **next_out, size_t *total_out)
/Compresses input stream to output stream. /

BrotliEncoderState * BrotliEncoderCreateInstance (brotli_alloc_func alloc_func, brotli_free_func free_func, void *opaque)
Creates an instance of /*BrotliEncoderState* and initializes it. /

void BrotliEncoderDestroyInstance (BrotliEncoderState *state)
Deinitializes and frees /*BrotliEncoderState* instance. /

BROTLI_BOOL BrotliEncoderHasMoreOutput (BrotliEncoderState *state)
/Checks if encoder has more output. /

BROTLI_BOOL BrotliEncoderIsFinished (BrotliEncoderState *state)
/Checks if encoder instance reached the final state. /

size_t BrotliEncoderMaxCompressedSize (size_t input_size)
Calculates the output size bound for the given /=input_size=. /

*BROTLI_BOOL*= *BrotliEncoderSetParameter* (*BrotliEncoderState* *state, *BrotliEncoderParameter* param, uint32_t value)=
/Sets the specified parameter to the given encoder instance. /

const uint8_t * *BrotliEncoderTakeOutput*= (*BrotliEncoderState* *state, size_t *size)=
/Acquires pointer to internal output buffer. /

uint32_t *BrotliEncoderVersion*= (void)=
/Gets an encoder library version. /

Detailed Description

API for Brotli compression.

Macro Definition Documentation


Default value for *BROTLI_PARAM_MODE*= parameter. =


Default value for *BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY*= parameter. =


Default value for *BROTLI_PARAM_LGWIN*= parameter. =


Maximal value for *BROTLI_PARAM_LGBLOCK*= parameter. =


Maximal value for *BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY*= parameter. =


Maximal value for *BROTLI_PARAM_LGWIN*= parameter. =


equal to BROTLI_MAX_DISTANCE_BITS= constant. =


Minimal value for *BROTLI_PARAM_LGBLOCK*= parameter. =


Minimal value for *BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY*= parameter. =


Minimal value for *BROTLI_PARAM_LGWIN*= parameter. =

Typedef Documentation

typedef enum BrotliEncoderMode*= =*BrotliEncoderMode

Options for *BROTLI_PARAM_MODE*= parameter. =

typedef enum BrotliEncoderOperation*= =*BrotliEncoderOperation

Operations that can be performed by streaming encoder.

typedef enum BrotliEncoderParameter*= =*BrotliEncoderParameter

Options to be used with *BrotliEncoderSetParameter*=. =

typedef struct BrotliEncoderStateStruct BrotliEncoderState

Opaque structure that holds encoder state. Allocated and initialized with *BrotliEncoderCreateInstance*=. Cleaned up and deallocated with *BrotliEncoderDestroyInstance*. =

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum BrotliEncoderMode

Options for *BROTLI_PARAM_MODE*= parameter. =


Default compression mode. In this mode compressor does not know anything in advance about the properties of the input.
Compression mode for UTF-8 formatted text input.
Compression mode used in WOFF 2.0.

enum BrotliEncoderOperation

Operations that can be performed by streaming encoder.


Process input. Encoder may postpone producing output, until it has processed enough input.
Produce output for all processed input. Actual flush is performed when input stream is depleted and there is enough space in output stream. This means that client should repeat *BROTLI_OPERATION_FLUSH*/ operation until available_in becomes 0, and BrotliEncoderHasMoreOutput returns BROTLI_FALSE. If output is acquired via BrotliEncoderTakeOutput, then operation should be repeated after output buffer is drained./


Until flush is complete, client *SHOULD*/ NOT swap, reduce or extend input stream./

When flush is complete, output data will be sufficient for decoder to reproduce all the given input.

Finalize the stream. Actual finalization is performed when input stream is depleted and there is enough space in output stream. This means that client should repeat *BROTLI_OPERATION_FINISH*/ operation until available_in becomes 0, and BrotliEncoderHasMoreOutput returns BROTLI_FALSE. If output is acquired via BrotliEncoderTakeOutput, then operation should be repeated after output buffer is drained./


Until finalization is complete, client *SHOULD*/ NOT swap, reduce or extend input stream./

Helper function *BrotliEncoderIsFinished*/ checks if stream is finalized and output fully dumped./

Adding more input data to finalized stream is impossible.

Emit metadata block to stream. Metadata is opaque to Brotli: neither encoder, nor decoder processes this data or relies on it. It may be used to pass some extra information from encoder client to decoder client without interfering with main data stream.


Encoder may emit empty metadata blocks internally, to pad encoded stream to byte boundary.


Until emitting metadata is complete client *SHOULD*/ NOT swap, reduce or extend input stream./

The whole content of input buffer is considered to be the content of metadata block. Do *NOT*/ append metadata to input stream, before it is depleted with other operations./

Stream is soft-flushed before metadata block is emitted. Metadata block *MUST*/ be no longer than than 16MiB. /

enum BrotliEncoderParameter

Options to be used with *BrotliEncoderSetParameter*/. /


Tune encoder for specific input. *BrotliEncoderMode*/ enumerates all available values. /
The main compression speed-density lever. The higher the quality, the slower the compression. Range is from *BROTLI_MIN_QUALITY*/ to BROTLI_MAX_QUALITY. /
Recommended sliding LZ77 window size. Encoder may reduce this value, e.g. if input is much smaller than window size.

Window size is =(1 << value) - 16=/./


Recommended input block size. Encoder may reduce this value, e.g. if input is much smaller than input block size.



Bigger input block size allows better compression, but consumes more memory.
The rough formula of memory used for temporary input storage is =3 << lgBlock=/. /

Flag that affects usage of ’literal context modeling’ format feature. This flag is a ’decoding-speed vs compression ratio’ trade-off.
Estimated total input size for all *BrotliEncoderCompressStream*/ calls. The default value is 0, which means that the total input size is unknown. /
Flag that determines if ’Large Window Brotli’ is used.
Recommended number of postfix bits (NPOSTFIX). Encoder may change this value.

Range is from 0 to *BROTLI_MAX_NPOSTFIX*/. /

Recommended number of direct distance codes (NDIRECT). Encoder may change this value.

Range is from 0 to (15 << NPOSTFIX) in steps of (1 << NPOSTFIX).

Number of bytes of input stream already processed by a different instance.


It is important to configure all the encoder instances with same parameters (except this one) in order to allow all the encoded parts obey the same restrictions implied by header.

If offset is not 0, then stream header is omitted. In any case output start is byte aligned, so for proper streams stitching ’predecessor’ stream must be flushed.

Range is not artificially limited, but all the values greater or equal to maximal window size have the same effect. Values greater than 2**30 are not allowed.

Function Documentation

*BROTLI_BOOL*/ BrotliEncoderCompress (int quality, int lgwin,

BrotliEncoderMode mode, size_t input_size, const uint8_t input_buffer[input_size], size_t * encoded_size, uint8_t encoded_buffer[*encoded_size])/ Performs one-shot memory-to-memory compression. Compresses the data in =input_buffer=/ into encoded_buffer, and sets *encoded_size to the compressed length./


If *BrotliEncoderMaxCompressedSize*/(input_size) returns non-zero value, then output is guaranteed to be no longer than that./

If =lgwin=/ is greater than BROTLI_MAX_WINDOW_BITS then resulting stream might be incompatible with RFC 7932; to decode such streams, decoder should be configured with BROTLI_DECODER_PARAM_LARGE_WINDOW = 1 /


quality quality parameter value, e.g. /*BROTLI_DEFAULT_QUALITY*
/lgwin lgwin parameter value, e.g. /*BROTLI_DEFAULT_WINDOW*

/mode mode parameter value, e.g. /*BROTLI_DEFAULT_MODE*

/input_size size of /=input_buffer=

/input_buffer input data buffer with at least /=input_size=
addressable bytes
/encoded_size /*in:*
size of encoded_buffer;
length of compressed data written to encoded_buffer, or 0 if compression fails /
/encoded_buffer compressed data destination buffer /


*BROTLI_FALSE*/ in case of compression error /

*BROTLI_FALSE*/ if output buffer is too small /

*BROTLI_TRUE*/ otherwise /

*BROTLI_BOOL*/ BrotliEncoderCompressStream (BrotliEncoderState *

state, BrotliEncoderOperation op, size_t * available_in, const uint8_t * next_in, size_t * available_out, uint8_t * next_out, size_t


Compresses input stream to output stream. The values =*available_in=/ and *available_out must specify the number of bytes addressable at *next_in and *next_out respectively. When *available_out is 0, next_out is allowed to be NULL./

After each call, =*available_in=/ will be decremented by the amount of input bytes consumed, and the *next_in pointer will be incremented by that amount. Similarly, *available_out will be decremented by the amount of output bytes written, and the *next_out pointer will be incremented by that amount./

=total_out=/, if it is not a null-pointer, will be set to the number of bytes compressed since the last state initialization./

Internally workflow consists of 3 tasks:

  1. (optionally) copy input data to internal buffer
  2. actually compress data and (optionally) store it to internal buffer
  3. (optionally) copy compressed bytes from internal buffer to output stream

Whenever all 3 tasks can’t move forward anymore, or error occurs, this method returns the control flow to caller.

=op=/ is used to perform flush, finish the stream, or inject metadata block. See BrotliEncoderOperation for more information./

Flushing the stream means forcing encoding of all input passed to encoder and completing the current output block, so it could be fully decoded by stream decoder. To perform flush set =op=/ to BROTLI_OPERATION_FLUSH. Under some circumstances (e.g. lack of output stream capacity) this operation would require several calls to BrotliEncoderCompressStream. The method must be called again until both input stream is depleted and encoder has no more output (see BrotliEncoderHasMoreOutput) after the method is called./

Finishing the stream means encoding of all input passed to encoder and adding specific ’final’ marks, so stream decoder could determine that stream is complete. To perform finish set =op=/ to BROTLI_OPERATION_FINISH. Under some circumstances (e.g. lack of output stream capacity) this operation would require several calls to BrotliEncoderCompressStream. The method must be called again until both input stream is depleted and encoder has no more output (see BrotliEncoderHasMoreOutput) after the method is called./


When flushing and finishing, =op=/ should not change until operation is complete; input stream should not be swapped, reduced or extended as well./


state encoder instance /
/op requested operation /
/available_in /*in:*
amount of available input;
amount of unused input
/next_in pointer to the next input byte /
/available_out /*in:*
length of output buffer;
remaining size of output buffer
/next_out compressed output buffer cursor; can be /=NULL=
if available_out is 0
/total_out number of bytes produced so far; can be /=NULL=


*BROTLI_FALSE*/ if there was an error /

*BROTLI_TRUE*/ otherwise /

BrotliEncoderState*/ BrotliEncoderCreateInstance

(brotli_alloc_func alloc_func, brotli_free_func free_func, void


Creates an instance of *BrotliEncoderState*/ and initializes it. alloc_func and free_func MUST be both zero or both non-zero. In the case they are both zero, default memory allocators are used. opaque is passed to alloc_func and free_func when they are called. free_func has to return without doing anything when asked to free a NULL pointer./


/alloc_func custom memory allocation function /
/free_func custom memory free function /
/opaque custom memory manager handle /


=0=/ if instance can not be allocated or initialized /

pointer to initialized *BrotliEncoderState*/ otherwise /

void BrotliEncoderDestroyInstance (*BrotliEncoderState*/ * state)/

Deinitializes and frees *BrotliEncoderState*/ instance. /


/state decoder instance to be cleaned up and deallocated /

*BROTLI_BOOL*/ BrotliEncoderHasMoreOutput (BrotliEncoderState *

state)/ Checks if encoder has more output.


/state encoder instance /


*BROTLI_TRUE*/, if encoder has some unconsumed output /

*BROTLI_FALSE*/ otherwise /

*BROTLI_BOOL*/ BrotliEncoderIsFinished (BrotliEncoderState *

state)/ Checks if encoder instance reached the final state.


/state encoder instance /


*BROTLI_TRUE*/ if encoder is in a state where it reached the end of the input and produced all of the output /

*BROTLI_FALSE*/ otherwise /

size_t BrotliEncoderMaxCompressedSize (size_t input_size)

Calculates the output size bound for the given =input_size=/. /


Result is only valid if quality is at least =2=/ and, in case BrotliEncoderCompressStream was used, no flushes (BROTLI_OPERATION_FLUSH) were performed./


/input_size size of projected input /


=0=/ if result does not fit size_t /

*BROTLI_BOOL*/ BrotliEncoderSetParameter (BrotliEncoderState *

state, BrotliEncoderParameter param, uint32_t value)/ Sets the specified parameter to the given encoder instance.


/state encoder instance /
/param parameter to set /
/value new parameter value /


*BROTLI_FALSE*/ if parameter is unrecognized, or value is invalid /

*BROTLI_FALSE*/ if value of parameter can not be changed at current encoder state (e.g. when encoding is started, window size might be already encoded and therefore it is impossible to change it) /

*BROTLI_TRUE*/ if value is accepted /


invalid values might be accepted in case they would not break encoding process.

const uint8_t* BrotliEncoderTakeOutput (*BrotliEncoderState*/ *

state, size_t * size)/ Acquires pointer to internal output buffer. This method is used to make language bindings easier and more efficient:

  1. push data to *BrotliEncoderCompressStream*/, until BrotliEncoderHasMoreOutput returns BROTL_TRUE/
  2. use *BrotliEncoderTakeOutput*/ to peek bytes and copy to language-specific entity/

Also this could be useful if there is an output stream that is able to consume all the provided data (e.g. when data is saved to file system).


After every call to *BrotliEncoderTakeOutput*/ *size bytes of output are considered consumed for all consecutive calls to the instance methods; returned pointer becomes invalidated as well./


Encoder output is not guaranteed to be contiguous. This means that after the size-unrestricted call to *BrotliEncoderTakeOutput*/, immediate next call to BrotliEncoderTakeOutput may return more data./


state encoder instance /
/size /*in:*
number of bytes caller is ready to take, 0 if any amount could be handled;
amount of data pointed by returned pointer and considered consumed;
out value is never greater than in value, unless it is 0


pointer to output data

uint32_t BrotliEncoderVersion (void)

Gets an encoder library version. Look at BROTLI_VERSION for more information.


Generated automatically by Doxygen for Brotli from the source code.

Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-20 Sun 14:53