Manpages - archive_entry_paths.3
Streaming Archive Library (libarchive, -larchive)
Path names supported by
Destination of the hardlink.
Update only. For a symlink, update the destination. Otherwise, make the entry a hardlink and alter the destination for that.
Path in the archive
Path on the disk for use by
Destination of the symbolic link.
Path names can be provided in one of three different ways:
Multibyte strings in the current locale.
Wide character strings in the current locale. The accessor functions are named
Unicode strings encoded as UTF-8. These are convenience functions to update both the multibyte and wide character strings at the same time.
The sourcepath is a pure filesystem concept and never stored in an archive directly.
For that reason, it is only available as multibyte string. The link path is a convenience function for conditionally setting hardlink or symlink destination. It doesn’t have a corresponding get accessor function.
is an alias for