Manpages - XShape.3

Table of Contents


XShapeQueryExtension, XShapeQueryVersion, XShapeCombineRegion, XShapeCombineRectangles, XShapeCombineMask, XShapeCombineShape, XShapeOffsetShape, XShapeQueryExtents, XShapeSelectInput, XShapeInputSelected, XShapeGetRectangles - X nonrectangular shape functions


  #include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
  Bool XShapeQueryExtension (
  	Display *dpy,
  	int *event_basep,
  	int *error_basep);
  Status XShapeQueryVersion (
  	Display *dpy,
  	int *major_versionp,
  	int *minor_versionp);
  void XShapeCombineRegion (
  	Display *dpy,
  	Window dest,
  	int destKind,
  	int xOff,
  	int yOff,
  	struct _XRegion *r,
  	int op);
  void XShapeCombineRectangles (
  	Display *dpy,
  	XID dest,
  	int destKind,
  	int xOff,
  	int yOff,
  	XRectangle *rects,
  	int n_rects,
  	int op,
  	int ordering);
  void XShapeCombineMask (
  	Display *dpy,
  	XID dest,
  	int destKind,
  	int xOff,
  	int yOff,
  	Pixmap src,
  	int op);
  void XShapeCombineShape (
  	Display *dpy,
  	XID dest,
  	int destKind,
  	int xOff,
  	int yOff,
  	Pixmap src,
  	int srcKind,
  	int op);
  void XShapeOffsetShape (
  	Display *dpy,
  	XID dest,
  	int destKind,
  	int xOff,
  	int yOff);
  Status XShapeQueryExtents (
  	Display *dpy,
  	Window window,
  	int *bShaped,
  	int *xbs,
  	int *ybs,
  	unsigned int *wbs,
  	unsigned int *hbs,
  	int *cShaped,
  	int *xcs,
  	int *ycs,
  	unsigned int *wcs,
  	unsigned int *hcs);
  void XShapeSelectInput (
  	Display *dpy,
  	Window window,
  	unsigned longmask);
  unsigned long XShapeInputSelected (
  	Display *dpy,
  	Window window);
  XRectangle *XShapeGetRectangles (
  	Display *dpy,
  	Window window,
  	int kind,
  	int *count,
  	int *ordering);


  typedef struct {
      int type;	/* of event */
      unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
      Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
      Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
      Window window;	/* window of event */
      int kind;	/* ShapeBounding or ShapeClip */
      int x, y;	/* extents of new region */
      unsigned width, height;
      Time time;	/* server timestamp when region changed */
      Bool shaped;	/* true if the region exists */
  } XShapeEvent;


The X11 Nonrectangular Window Shape Extension adds nonrectangular windows to the X Window System.




Shape Kinds:


Event defines:



This manual page needs a lot more work.


X11 Nonrectangular Window Shape Extension

Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-21 Mon 12:40