Manpages - XListInputDevices.3

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XListInputDevices, XFreeDeviceList - list available input devices


  #include <X11/extensions/XInput.h>
  XDeviceInfo *XListInputDevices( Display *display,
                                  int *ndevices_return);
  int XFreeDeviceList( XDeviceInfo *list);
         Specifies the connection to the X server.
         Specifies a pointer to a variable where the number of
         available devices can be returned.
         Specifies the list of devices to free. The
         XFreeDeviceList function frees the list of available
         extension input devices.


    The XListInputDevices request lists the available input
    devices. This list includes the core keyboard and any physical
    input device currently accessible through the X server, and any
    input devices that are not currently accessible through the X
    server but could be accessed if requested.
    A master pointer is a virtual pointer device that does not
    represent a physical device. It is visually represented through
    a cursor. A master keyboard is a virtual keyboard device that
    does not represent a physical device. It is virtually
    represented through a keyboard focus. A master pointer and a
    master keyboard are always paired (i.e. if shift is pressed on
    the master keyboard, a pointer click would be a shift-click).
    Multiple master pointer/keyboard pairs can exist.
    X servers supporting the X Input Extension version 2,
    XListInputDevices only returns the first master pointer, the
    first master keyboard and all slave devices. Additional master
    devices are not listed.
    Physical devices (so-called slave devices) are attached to
    either a master pointer or a master keyboard, depending on
    their capabilities. If a slave device generates an event, the
    event is also generated by the respective master device.
    Multiple slave devices can be attached to a single master
    Some server implementations may make all physical input devices
    available at the time the server is initialized. Others may
    wait until requested by a client to access an input device. In
    the latter case, it is possible that an input device will be
    listed as available at one time but not at another.
    For each input device available to the server, the
    XListInputDevices request returns an XDeviceInfo structure.
    That structure contains a pointer to a list of structures, each
    of which contains information about one class of input
    supported by the device. The XDeviceInfo structure is defined
    as follows:
                 typedef struct _XDeviceInfo {
                 XID     id;
                 Atom    type;
                 char    *name;
                 int         num_classes;
                 int         use;
                 XAnyClassPtr inputclassinfo;
                 } XDeviceInfo;
    The id is a number in the range 0-128 that uniquely identifies
    the device. It is assigned to the device when it is initialized
    by the server.
    The type field is of type Atom and indicates the nature of the
    device. The type will correspond to one of the following strings
    (defined in the header file XI.h):
    These strings may be used in an XInternAtom request to return
    an atom that can be compared with the type field of the
    XDeviceInfo structure.
    The name field contains a pointer to a null-terminated string
    that serves as identifier of the device. This identifier may be
    user-configured or automatically assigned by the server.
    The num_classes field is a number in the range 0-255 that
    specifies the number of input classes supported by the device
    for which information is returned by ListInputDevices. Some
    input classes, such as class Focus and class Proximity do not
    have any information to be returned by ListInputDevices.
    All devices provide an AttachClass. This class specifies the
    master device a given slave device is attached to. For master
    devices, the class specifies the respective paired master
    The use field specifies how the device is currently being used.
    If the value is IsXKeyboard, the device is a master keyboard.
    If the value is IsXPointer, the device is a master pointer. If
    the value is IsXExtensionPointer, the device is a slave
    pointer. If the value is IsXExtensionKeyboard, the device is a
    slave keyboard. If the value is IsXExtensionDevice, the device
    is available for use as an extension device.
    The inputclassinfo field contains a pointer to the first
    input-class specific data. The first two fields are common to
    all classes.
    The class field is a number in the range 0-255. It uniquely
    identifies the class of input for which information is
    returned. Currently defined classes are KeyClass, ButtonClass,
    and ValuatorClass.
    The length field is a number in the range 0- 255. It specifies
    the number of bytes of data that are contained in this input
    class. The length includes the class and length fields.
    The XKeyInfo structure describes the characteristics of the
    keys on the device. It is defined as follows:
    typedef struct _XKeyInfo {
    XID class;
    int length;
    unsigned short min_keycode;
    unsigned short max_keycode;
    unsigned short num_keys;
    } XKeyInfo;
    min_keycode is of type KEYCODE. It specifies the minimum
    keycode that the device will report. The minimum keycode will
    not be smaller than 8.
    max_keycode is of type KEYCODE. It specifies the maximum
    keycode that the device will report. The maximum keycode will
    not be larger than 255.
    num_keys specifies the number of keys that the device has.
    The XButtonInfo structure defines the characteristics of the
    buttons on the device. It is defined as follows:
    typedef struct _XButtonInfo {
    XID class;
    int length;
    short num_buttons;
    } XButtonInfo;
    num_buttons specifies the number of buttons that the device
    The XValuatorInfo structure defines the characteristics of the
    valuators on the device. It is defined as follows:
    typedef struct  _XValuatorInfo {
    XID class;
    int length;
    unsigned char num_axes;
    unsigned char mode;
    unsigned long motion_buffer;
    XAxisInfoPtr axes;
    } XValuatorInfo;
    num_axes contains the number of axes the device supports.
    mode is a constant that has one of the following values:
    Absolute or Relative. Some devices allow the mode to be changed
    dynamically via the SetDeviceMode request.
    motion_buffer_size is a cardinal number that specifies the
    number of elements that can be contained in the motion history
    buffer for the device.
    The axes field contains a pointer to an XAxisInfo structure.
    The XAxisInfo structure is defined as follows:
    typedef struct _XAxisInfo {
    int resolution;
    int min_value;
    int max_value;
    } XAxisInfo;
    The resolution contains a number in counts/meter.
    The min_val field contains a number that specifies the minimum
    value the device reports for this axis. For devices whose mode
    is Relative, the min_val field will contain 0.
    The max_val field contains a number that specifies the maximum
    value the device reports for this axis. For devices whose mode
    is Relative, the max_val field will contain 0.
    The XAttachInfo structure is defined as follows:
                 typedef struct _XAttachInfo {
                 int     attached;
                 } XAttachInfo;
    If the device is a slave device, attached specifies the device
    ID of the master device this device is attached to. If the
    device is not attached to a master device, attached is
    Floating. If the device is a master device, attached specifies
    the device ID of the master device this device is paired with.


    XListInputDevices returns a pointer to an array of XDeviceInfo
    structs and sets ndevices_return to the number of elements in
    that array. To free the XDeviceInfo array created by
    XListInputDevices, use XFreeDeviceList.
    On error, XListInputDevices returns NULL and ndevices_return is
    left unmodified.

Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-21 Mon 12:38