Manpages - WildMidi_SetOption.3
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WildMidi_SetOption - Set a library option for a specific midi
#include <wildmidi_lib.h>
int WildMidi_SetOption (midi */handle/, uint16_t options, uint16_t setting)
Set a library option for a specific midi.
- handle
- The identifier obtained from opening a midi file with WildMidi_Open*(3) or WildMidi_OpenBuffer*(3)
options The option or options you wish to change.
- By default the library uses linear volume levels typically used in computer MIDI players. These can differ somewhat to volume levels found on some midi hardware which may use a volume curve based on decibels. This option sets the volume levels to what you’d expect on such devices.
- By default libWildMidi uses linear interpolation for the resampling of the sound samples. Setting this option enables the library to use a resampling method that attempts to fill in the gaps giving richer sound.
- libWildMidi has an 8 reflection reverb engine. Use this option to give more depth to the output.
- Makes libWildMidi to automatically rewind when it reaches the end, so the file would play in continuous loop.
- Strips silence at song start.
- This option tells WildMidi_GetMidiOutput(3) to output type-0 format data for type-2 files.
- Some files have the lyrics in the text meta event. This option reads lyrics from there instead.
- setting
- To turn on an option, repeat that option here. To turn off an option, do not put the option here.
- Example: To turn on Reverb
- WildMidi_SetOption(handle, WM_MO_REVERB, WM_MO_REVERB);
- Example: To turn off Reverb
- WildMidi_SetOption(handle, WM_MO_REVERB, 0);
- (no term)
- Example: To turn on Reverb and Enhanced Resampling :: WildMidi_SetOption(handle, (WM_MO_REVERB | WM_MO_ENHANCED_RESAMPLING), (WM_MO_REVERB | WM_MO_ENHANCED_RESAMPLING));
Returns -1 on error, otherwise returns 0.
WildMidi_GetVersion*(3),* WildMidi_Init*(3),* WildMidi_MasterVolume*(3),* WildMidi_Open*(3),* WildMidi_OpenBuffer*(3),* WildMidi_SetOption*(3),* WildMidi_GetOutput*(3),* WildMidi_GetMidiOutput*(3),* WildMidi_GetInfo*(3),* WildMidi_FastSeek*(3),* WildMidi_Close*(3),* WildMidi_Shutdown*(3),* *wildmidi.cfg*(5)
Chris Ison <> Bret Curtis <>
Copyright (C) WildMidi Developers 2001-2016
This file is part of WildMIDI.
WildMIDI is free software: you can redistribute and/or modify the player under the terms of the GNU General Public License and you can redistribute and/or modify the library under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the licenses, or(at your option) any later version.
WildMIDI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License and the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and the GNU Lesser General Public License along with WildMIDI. If not, see
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