Manpages - TAP_Parser_SourceHandler_Perl.3perl

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TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl - Stream TAP from a Perl executable


Version 3.43


use TAP::Parser::Source; use TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl; my $source = TAP::Parser::Source->new->raw( \ ); $source->assemble_meta; my $class = TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl; my $vote = $class->can_handle( $source ); my $iter = $class->make_iterator( $source );


This is a Perl TAP::Parser::SourceHandler - it has 2 jobs:

  1. Figure out if the TAP::Parser::Source it’s given is actually a Perl

script (can_handle).

  1. Creates an iterator for Perl sources (make_iterator).

Unless you’re writing a plugin or subclassing TAP::Parser, you probably won’t need to use this module directly.


Class Methods


my $vote = $class->can_handle( $source );

Only votes if $source looks like a file. Casts the following votes:

0.9 if it has a shebang ala “#!…perl” 0.75 if it has any shebang 0.8 if its a .t file 0.9 if its a .pl file 0.75 if its in a t directory 0.25 by default (backwards compat)


my $iterator = $class->make_iterator( $source );

Constructs & returns a new TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process for the source. Assumes $source->raw contains a reference to the perl script. =croak=s if the file could not be found.

The command to run is built as follows:

$perl @switches $perl_script @test_args

The perl command to use is determined by get_perl. The command generated is guaranteed to preserve:

PERL5LIB PERL5OPT Taint Mode, if set in the scripts shebang

Note: the command generated will not respect any shebang line defined in your Perl script. This is only a problem if you have compiled a custom version of Perl or if you want to use a specific version of Perl for one test and a different version for another, for example:

#!/path/to/a/custom_perl –some –args #!/usr/local/perl-5.6/bin/perl -w

Currently you need to write a plugin to get around this.


Decode any taint switches from a Perl shebang line.

TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl->get_taint( #!/usr/bin/perl -t ); # $untaint will be undefined my $untaint = TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl->get_taint( #!/usr/bin/perl );


Gets the version of Perl currently running the test suite.


Please see SUBCLASSING in TAP::Parser for a subclassing overview.


package MyPerlSourceHandler; use strict; use TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl; use base TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl; # use the version of perl from the shebang line in the test file sub get_perl { my $self = shift; if (my $shebang = $self->shebang( $self->{file} )) { \(shebang =~ /^#!(.*\bperl.*?)(?:(?:\s)|(?:\)))/; return $1 if $1; } return $self->SUPER::get_perl(@_); }


TAP::Object, TAP::Parser, TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory, TAP::Parser::SourceHandler, TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable, TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File, TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle, TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP

Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-21 Mon 13:48