Manpages - RTCHit.3embree3

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  RTCHit - single hit structure


  #include <embree3/rtcore.h>

  struct RTCHit
    float Ng_x;                                        // x coordinate of geometry normal
    float Ng_y;                                        // y coordinate of geometry normal
    float Ng_z;                                        // z coordinate of geometry normal

    float u;                                           // barycentric u coordinate of hit
    float v;                                           // barycentric v coordinate of hit

    unsigned int primID;                               // geometry ID
    unsigned int geomID;                               // primitive ID
    unsigned int instID[RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT]; // instance ID


The RTCHit type defines the type of a ray/primitive intersection result. The hit contains the unnormalized geometric normal in object space at the hit location (Ng_x, Ng_y, Ng_z members), the barycentric u/v coordinates of the hit (u and v members), as well as the primitive ID (primID member), geometry ID (geomID member), and instance ID stack (instID member) of the hit. The parametric intersection distance is not stored inside the hit, but stored inside the tfar member of the ray.

The embree3/rtcore_ray.h header additionally defines the same hit structure in structure of array (SOA) layout for hit packets of size 4 (RTCHit4 type), size 8 (RTCHit8 type), and size 16 (RTCHit16 type). The header additionally defines an RTCHitNt template for hit packets of an arbitrary compile-time size.



[RTCRay], [Multi-Level Instancing]

Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-20 Sun 18:22