Manpages - IO_Socket_SSL_PublicSuffix.3pm

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IO::Socket::SSL::PublicSuffix - provide access to Mozilla’s list of effective TLD names


IO::Socket::SSL::PublicSuffix->default; # load from string $ps = IO::Socket::SSL::PublicSuffix->from_string(“.uk\n”); # load from file or file handle $ps = IO::Socket::SSL::PublicSuffix->from_file($filename); $ps = IO::Socket::SSL::PublicSuffix->from_file(\*STDIN); # — string in -> string out # $rest -> # $tld -> my ($rest,$tld) = $ps->public_suffix(; my $tld = $ps->public_suffix(; # $root_domain -> my $root_domain = $ps->public_suffix(, 1); # — array in -> array out # $rest -> [qw(whatever host)] # $tld -> [qw(co uk)] my ($rest,$tld) = $ps->public_suffix([qw(whatever host co uk)]); -— # To update this file with the current list: perl -MIO::Socket::SSL::PublicSuffix -e IO::Socket::SSL::PublicSuffix::update_self_from_url()


This module uses the list of effective top level domain names from the mozilla project to determine the public top level domain for a given hostname.


Returns object with builtin default. min_suffix can be given in %args to specify the minimal suffix, default is 1.
Returns object with configuration from string. See method default for %args.
class->from_file( file name| file handle, %args )
Returns object with configuration from file or file handle. See method default for %args.
$self->public_suffix( $host|\@host, [ $add ] )
In array context the function returns the non-tld part and the tld part of the given hostname, in scalar context only the tld part. It adds $add parts of the non-tld part to the tld, e.g. with $add=1 it will return the root domain. If there were no explicit matches against the public suffix configuration it will fall back to a suffix of length 1. The function accepts a string or an array-ref (e.g. host split by .). In the first case it will return string(s), in the latter case array-ref(s). International hostnames or labels can be in ASCII (IDNA form starting with xn--) or unicode. In the latter case an IDNA handling library needs to be available. URI is preferred, but Net::IDN:::Encode, Net::LibIDN are still supported.
Returns true if IDN support is available.



Domain::PublicSuffix, Mozilla::PublicSuffix


Q: Why yet another module, we already have L<Domain::PublicSuffix> and L<Mozilla::PublicSuffix>. A: Because the public suffix data change more often than these modules do, IO::Socket::SSL needs this list and it is more easy this way to keep it up-to-date.


Steffen Ullrich

Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-20 Sun 16:33