Manpages - Alien_Build_Plugin.3pm
Table of Contents
Alien::Build::Plugin - Plugin base class for Alien::Build
version 2.44
Create your plugin:
package Alien::Build::Plugin::Type::MyPlugin; use Alien::Build::Plugin; use Carp (); has prop1 => default value; has prop2 => sub { default value }; has prop3 => sub { Carp::croak prop3 is a required property }; sub init { my($self, $meta) = @_; my $prop1 = $self->prop1; my $prop2 = $self->prop2; my $prop3 = $self->prop3; $meta->register_hook(sub { build => [ %{make}, %{make} install ], }); }
From your alienfile
use alienfile; plugin Type::MyPlugin => ( prop2 => different value, prop3 => need to provide since it is required, );
This document describes the Alien::Build plugin base class. For details on how to write a plugin, see Alien::Build::Manual::PluginAuthor.
Listed are some common types of plugins:
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Build
- Tools for building.
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Core
- Tools already included.
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Download
- Methods for retrieving from the internet.
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Decode
- Normally use Download plugins which will pick the correct Decode plugins.
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Extract
- Extract from archives that have been downloaded.
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Fetch
- Normally use Download plugins which will pick the correct Fetch plugins.
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Prefer
- Normally use Download plugins which will pick the correct Prefer plugins.
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Probe
- Look for packages already installed on the system.
my $plugin = Alien::Build::Plugin->new(%props);
my $id = $plugin->instance_id;
Returns an instance id for the plugin. This is computed from the class and arguments that are passed into the plugin constructor, so technically two instances with the exact same arguments will have the same instance id, but in practice you should never have two instances with the exact same arguments.
$plugin->init($ab_class->meta); # $ab is an Alien::Build class name
You provide the implementation for this. The intent is to register hooks and set meta properties on the Alien::Build class.
DEPRECATED: Maybe removed, but not before 1 October 2018.
my $plugin2 = $plugin1->subplugin($plugin_name, %args);
Finds the given plugin and loads it (unless already loaded) and creats a new instance and returns it. Most useful from a Negotiate plugin, like this:
sub init { my($self, $meta) = @_; $self->subplugin( Foo::Bar, # loads Alien::Build::Plugin::Foo::Bar, # or throw exception foo => 1, # these key/value pairs passsed into new bar => 2, # for the plugin instance. )->init($meta); }
has $prop_name; has $prop_name => $default;
Specifies a property of the plugin. You may provide a default value as either a string scalar, or a code reference. The code reference will be called to compute the default value, and if you want the default to be a list or hash reference, this is how you want to do it:
has foo => sub { [1,2,3] };
my $meta = $plugin->meta;
Returns the plugin meta object.
Alien::Build, alienfile, Alien::Build::Manual::PluginAuthor
Author: Graham Ollis <>
Diab Jerius (DJERIUS)
Roy Storey (KIWIROY)
Ilya Pavlov
David Mertens (run4flat)
Mark Nunberg (mordy, mnunberg)
Christian Walde (Mithaldu)
Brian Wightman (MidLifeXis)
Zaki Mughal (zmughal)
mohawk (mohawk2, ETJ)
Vikas N Kumar (vikasnkumar)
Flavio Poletti (polettix)
Salvador Fandiño (salva)
Gianni Ceccarelli (dakkar)
Pavel Shaydo (zwon, trinitum)
Kang-min Liu (劉康民, gugod)
Nicholas Shipp (nshp)
Juan Julián Merelo Guervós (JJ)
Joel Berger (JBERGER)
Petr Písař (ppisar)
Lance Wicks (LANCEW)
Ahmad Fatoum (a3f, ATHREEF)
José Joaquín Atria (JJATRIA)
Duke Leto (LETO)
Shoichi Kaji (SKAJI)
Shawn Laffan (SLAFFAN)
Paul Evans (leonerd, PEVANS)
Håkon Hægland (hakonhagland, HAKONH)
nick nauwelaerts (INPHOBIA)
This software is copyright (c) 2011-2020 by Graham Ollis.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.