Man1 - xapian-replicate.1

Table of Contents


xapian-replicate - Replicate a database from a master server to a local copy


xapian-replicate [/OPTIONS/] DATABASE


xapian-replicate - Replicate a database from a master server to a local copy


-h, *–host*=/HOST/
host to connect to (required)
-p, *–port*=/PORT/
port to connect to (required)
-m, *–master*=/DB/
replicate database DB from the master (default: DATABASE)
-i, *–interval*=/N/
wait N seconds between each connection to the master (default: 60)
(no term)
-r, *–reader-time*=/N/ wait N seconds to allow readers time to close before :: applying repeated changesets (default: 30)
-t, *–timeout*=/N/
set socket timeouts (if supported) to N seconds; N=0 for no timeout (default: 0)
-f, –force-copy
force a full copy of the database to be sent (and then replicate as normal)
-o, –one-shot
replicate only once and then exit
-q, –quiet
only report errors
-v, –verbose
be more verbose
display this help and exit
output version information and exit

Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-22 Tue 16:24