Man1 - tiffset.1

Table of Contents


tiffset - set or unset a field in a



tiffset [ options ] filename.tif


Tiffset sets the value of a

header to a specified value or removes an existing setting.


*-d*/ dirnumber/
change the current directory (starting at 0).
-s*/ tagnumber/ [*/ count/* ]*/ value …/
Set the value of the named tag to the value or values specified.
*-sd*/ diroffset/
change the current directory by offset.
*-sf*/ tagnumber filename/
Set the value of the tag to the contents of filename. This option is supported for ASCII tags only.
*-u*/ tagnumber/
Unset the tag.


The following example sets the image description tag (270) of a.tif to the contents of the file descrip:

    tiffset -sf 270 descrip a.tif

The following example sets the artist tag (315) of a.tif to the string ``Anonymous’’:

    tiffset -s 315 Anonymous a.tif

This example sets the resolution of the file a.tif to 300 dpi:

    tiffset -s 296 2 a.tif
    tiffset -s 282 300.0 a.tif
    tiffset -s 283 300.0 a.tif

Set the photometric interpretation of the third page of a.tif to min-is-black (ie. inverts it):

    tiffset -d 2 -s 262 1 a.tif


*tiffdump*(1), *tiffinfo*(1), *tiffcp*(1), *libtiff*(3TIFF)

Libtiff library home page:

Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-22 Tue 16:48