Man1 - paclog.1

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paclog - filter pacman log entries


paclog [options] [filters]… paclog [options] –pkglist paclog (–help|–version)


If input is provided on stdin it will be parsed instead of –logfile. Log entries will be displayed if they match any of the provided filters. To display the intersection of multiple filters they can be connected by a pipe:

paclog –after=2015-01-01 | paclog –warnings


Set an alternate configuration file path.
Set an alternate log file path.
Set an alternate installation root.
Set an alternate system root. See pacutils-sysroot (7).
Colorize output. By default output will be colorized if stdout is a terminal.
Print the list of installed packages according to the log.
Display usage information and exit.
Display version information and exit.


Display package operations. action must be one of install, reinstall, upgrade, downgrade, remove, or all.
–after=date, –before=date
Display entries after/before date. If seconds or timezone information is included it will be silently ignored, allowing output from date -I to be used: paclog –after “$(date -Iminutes –date 3 days ago)”
Display log entries from name. May be specified multiple times. Case-sensitive.
Display pacman-style logged commandline entries.
Display log entries whose message matches regex.
Display logged actions affecting pkgname. May be specified multiple times.
Display errors, warnings, and notes.


paclog determines whether or not to read the log file from stdin based on a naive check using isatty (3). If paclog is called in an environment, such as a shell function or script being used in a pipe, where stdin is not connected to a terminal but does not a log file to parse, paclog should be called with stdin closed. For POSIX-compatible shells, this can be done with <&-.

Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-22 Tue 16:32