Man1 - mbimcli.1
Table of Contents
- Usage:
- Help Options:
- Basic Connect options:
- Phonebook options:
- Device Service Stream options:
- Microsoft Firmware ID options:
- Microsoft Host Shutdown options:
- Microsoft SAR options:
- AT&T Device Service options:
- Intel Firmware Update Service options:
- Microsoft Basic Connect Extensions options:
- Quectel options:
- Link management options:
- Application Options:
mbimcli - Control MBIM devices
mbimcli [OPTION?] - Control MBIM devices
Help Options:
- -h, –help
- Show help options
- –help-all
- Show all help options
- –help-basic-connect
- Show Basic Connect Service options
- –help-phonebook
- Show Phonebook Service options
- –help-dss
- Show Device Service Stream options
- –help-ms-firmware-id
- Show Microsoft Firmware ID Service options
- –help-ms-host-shutdown
- Show Microsoft Host Shutdown Service options
- –help-ms-sar
- Show Microsoft SAR Service options
- –help-atds
- Show AT&T Device Service options
- –help-intel-firmware-update
- Show Intel Firmware Update Service options
- –help-ms-basic-connect-extensions
- Show Microsoft Basic Connect Extensions Service options
- –help-quectel
- Show Quectel Service options
- –help-link-management
- Show link management specific options
Basic Connect options:
- –query-device-caps
- Query device capabilities
- –query-subscriber-ready-status
- Query subscriber ready status
- –query-radio-state
- Query radio state
- *–set-radio-state*=/[/(on|off)]
- Set radio state
- –query-device-services
- Query device services
- –query-pin-state
- Query PIN state
- *–enter-pin*=/[/(PIN type),(current PIN)]
- Enter PIN (PIN type is optional, defaults to PIN1, allowed options: (pin1,network-pin,network-subset-pin,service-provider-pin,corporate-pin)
- *–change-pin*=/[/(current PIN),(new PIN)]
- Change PIN
- *–enable-pin*=/[/(current PIN)]
- Enable PIN
- *–disable-pin*=/[/(PIN type),(current PIN)]
- Disable PIN (PIN type is optional, see enter-pin for details)
- *–enter-puk*=/[/(PUK type),(PUK),(new PIN)]
- Enter PUK (PUK type is optional, defaults to PUK1, allowed options: (puk1,network-puk,network-subset-puk,service-provider-puk,corporate-puk)
- –query-pin-list
- Query PIN list
- –query-home-provider
- Query home provider
- –query-preferred-providers
- Query preferred providers
- –query-visible-providers
- Query visible providers
- –query-registration-state
- Query registration state
- –register-automatic
- Launch automatic registration
- –query-signal-state
- Query signal state
- –query-packet-service-state
- Query packet service state
- –attach-packet-service
- Attach to the packet service
- –detach-packet-service
- Detach from the packet service
- *–query-connection-state*=/[SessionID]/
- Query connection state (SessionID is optional, defaults to 0)
- *–connect*=/[/“key=value,…”]
- Connect (allowed keys: session-id, apn, ip-type (ipv4|ipv6|ipv4v6), auth (PAP|CHAP|MSCHAPV2), username, password)
- *–query-ip-configuration*=/[SessionID]/
- Query IP configuration (SessionID is optional, defaults to 0)
- *–disconnect*=/[SessionID]/
- Disconnect (SessionID is optional, defaults to 0)
- –query-packet-statistics
- Query packet statistics
- *–query-ip-packet-filters*=/[SessionID]/
- Query IP packet filters (SessionID is optional, defaults to 0)
- –query-provisioned-contexts
- Query provisioned contexts
Phonebook options:
- –phonebook-query-configuration
- Query the phonebook configuration
- *–phonebook-read*=/[/(Phonebook index)]
- Read phonebook entry with given index
- –phonebook-read-all
- Read all phonebook entries
- *–phonebook-write*=/[/(Name),(Number)[,(Index)]]
- Add new phonebook entry or update an existing one
- *–phonebook-delete*=/[/(Phonebook index)]
- Delete phonebook entry with given index
- –phonebook-delete-all
- Delete all phonebook entries
Device Service Stream options:
- *–dss-connect*=/[/(UUID),(Session ID)]
- Connect DSS session
- *–dss-disconnect*=/[/(UUID),(Session ID)]
- Disconnect DSS session
Microsoft Firmware ID options:
- –ms-query-firmware-id
- Query firmware ID
Microsoft Host Shutdown options:
- –ms-notify-host-shutdown
- Notify that host is shutting down
Microsoft SAR options:
- *–ms-set-sar-config*=/[/(device|os),(enabled|disabled)[,[{antenna_index,backoff_index}…]]]
- Set SAR config
- –ms-query-sar-config
- Query SAR config
- *–ms-set-transmission-status*=/[/(enabled|disabled),(timer)]
- Set transmission status and hysteresis timer (in seconds)
- –ms-query-transmission-status
- Query transmission status
AT&T Device Service options:
- –atds-query-signal
- Query signal info
- –atds-query-location
- Query cell location
Intel Firmware Update Service options:
- –intel-modem-reboot
- Reboot modem
Microsoft Basic Connect Extensions options:
- *–ms-query-pco*=/[SessionID]/
- Query PCO value (SessionID is optional, defaults to 0)
- –ms-query-lte-attach-configuration
- Query LTE attach configuration
- –ms-query-lte-attach-info
- Query LTE attach status information
- –ms-query-sys-caps
- Query system capabilities
- –ms-query-device-caps
- Query device capabilities
- *–ms-query-slot-info-status*=/[SlotIndex]/
- Query slot information status
- *–ms-set-device-slot-mappings*=/[/(SlotIndex)[,(SlotIndex)[,…]]]
- Set device slot mappings for each executor
- –ms-query-device-slot-mappings
- Query device slot mappings
Quectel options:
- –quectel-query-radio-state
- Query radio state
- *–quectel-set-radio-state*=/[/(on)]
- Set radio state
Link management options:
- *–link-list*=/[IFACE]/
- List links created from a given interface
- *–link-add*=/[iface=IFACE/,prefix=PREFIX[,session-id=N]]
- Create new network interface link
- *–link-delete*=/IFACE/
- Delete a given network interface link
- *–link-delete-all*=/[IFACE]/
- Delete all network interface links from the given interface
Application Options:
- -d, *–device*=/[PATH]/
- Specify device path
- -p, –device-open-proxy
- Request to use the ’mbim-proxy’ proxy
- *–no-open*=/[Transaction/ ID]
- Do not explicitly open the MBIM device before running the command
- –no-close
- Do not close the MBIM device after running the command
- –noop
- Don’t run any command
- -v, –verbose
- Run action with verbose logs, including the debug ones
- –silent
- Run action with no logs; not even the error/warning ones
- -V, –version
- Print version
Copyright © 2013-2021 Aleksander Morgado License GPLv2+: GNU GPL version
2 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There
is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
The full documentation for mbimcli is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and mbimcli programs are properly installed at your site, the command
info mbimcli
should give you access to the complete manual.