Man1 - lsipc.1

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lsipc - show information on IPC facilities currently employed in the system


lsipc [options]


lsipc shows information on the System V inter-process communication facilities for which the calling process has read access.


-i, –id id

Show full details on just the one resource element identified by id. This option needs to be combined with one of the three resource options: -m, -q or -s. It is possible to override the default output format for this option with the –list, –raw, –json or –export option.

-g, –global

Show system-wide usage and limits of IPC resources. This option may be combined with one of the three resource options: -m, -q or -s. The default is to show information about all resources.

-h, –help

Display help text and exit.

-V, –version

Display version information and exit.

Resource options

-m, –shmems

Write information about active shared memory segments.

-q, –queues

Write information about active message queues.

-s, –semaphores

Write information about active semaphore sets.

Output formatting

-c, –creator

Show creator and owner.

-e, –export

Produce output in the form of key=“value” pairs. All potentially unsafe value characters are hex-escaped (\x<code>). The key (variable name) will be modified to contain only characters allowed for a shell variable identifiers, for example, USE_PCT instead of USE%.

-J, –json

Use the JSON output format.

-l, –list

Use the list output format. This is the default, except when –id is used.

-n, –newline

Display each piece of information on a separate line.


Do not print a header line.


Don’t truncate output.

-o, –output list

Specify which output columns to print. Use –help to get a list of all supported columns.

-b, –bytes

Print size in bytes rather than in human readable format.

-r, –raw

Raw output (no columnation).

-t, –time

Write time information. The time of the last control operation that changed the access permissions for all facilities, the time of the last *msgsnd*(2) and *msgrcv*(2) operations on message queues, the time of the last *shmat*(2) and *shmdt*(2) operations on shared memory, and the time of the last *semop*(2) operation on semaphores.

–time-format type

Display dates in short, full or iso format. The default is short, this time format is designed to be space efficient and human readable.

-P, –numeric-perms

Print numeric permissions in PERMS column.



if OK,


if incorrect arguments specified,


if a serious error occurs.


The lsipc utility is inspired by the *ipcs*(1) utility.



*ipcmk*(1), *ipcrm*(1), *msgrcv*(2), *msgsnd*(2), *semget*(2), *semop*(2), *shmat*(2), *shmdt*(2), *shmget*(2), *sysvipc*(7)


For bug reports, use the issue tracker at


The lsipc command is part of the util-linux package which can be downloaded from Linux Kernel Archive

Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-22 Tue 17:22