Man1 - lpoptions.1

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lpoptions - display or set printer options and defaults


lpoptions [ -E ] [ -h */server/[:*/port/] ] -d */destination/[*/*/instance/] [ *-l ]
lpoptions [ -E ] [ -h */server/[:*/port/] ] [ -p */destination/[*/*/instance/] ] *-o */option/[*=*/value/] …
[ -E ] [ -h */server/[:*/port/] ] [ -p */destination/[*/*/instance/] ] *-r option
lpoptions [ -E ] [ -h */server/[:*/port/] ] *-x */destination/[*/*/instance/]


lpoptions displays or sets printer options and defaults. If no printer is specified using the -p option, the default printer is used as described in *lp*(1).

If no -l, -o, or -r options are specified, the current options are reported on the standard output.

Options set with the lpoptions command are used by the *lp*(1) and *lpr*(1) commands when submitting jobs.

When run by the root user, lpoptions gets and sets default options and instances for all users in the /etc/cups/lpoptions file. Otherwise, the per-user defaults are managed in the ~.cups/lpoptions/ file.


lpoptions supports the following options:

Enables encryption when communicating with the CUPS server.
*-d */destination/[*/*/instance/]
Sets the user default printer to destination. If instance is supplied then that particular instance is used. This option overrides the system default printer for the current user.
-h */server/[:*/port/]
Uses an alternate server.
Lists the printer specific options and their current settings.
*-o */option/[*=*/value/]
Specifies a new option for the named destination.
*-p */destination/[*/*/instance/]
Sets the destination and instance, if specified, for any options that follow. If the named instance does not exist then it is created. Destinations can only be created using the *lpadmin*(8) program.
*-r */option/
Removes the specified option from the named destination.
*-x */destination/[*/*/instance/]
Removes the options for the named destination and instance, if specified. If the named instance does not exist then this does nothing. Destinations can only be removed using the *lpadmin*(8) command.


~.cups/lpoptions/ - user defaults and instances created by non-root users.
/etc/cups/lpoptions - system-wide defaults and instances created by the root user.


The lpoptions command is unique to CUPS.


*cancel*(1), *lp*(1), *lpadmin*(8), *lpr*(1), *lprm*(1), CUPS Online Help (http://localhost:631/help)


Copyright © 2021 by OpenPrinting.

Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-22 Tue 17:31