Man1 - ldrdf.1

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ldrdf - link RDOFF objects and libraries produced by rdflib(1)


ldrdf [-o output-file/] /object-file … [-l/library/…]


ldrdf is a version of unix *ld*(1) (or DOS LINK) for use with RDOFF files. It is capable of linking RDOFF objects, and libraries produced with the *rdflib*(1) utility.

Libraries must be specified with their path as no search is performed. Modules in libraries are not linked to the program unless they are referred to.


-o output-file
Specify an output file. The default output filename is ’aout.rdx’.
Increase verbosity level. Currently 4 verbosity levels are available: default (which only prints error information), normal (which prints information about the produced object, -v), medium (which prints information about what the program is doing, -v -v) and high (which prints all available information, -v -v -v).
Change alignment value to which multiple segments combigned into a single segment should be aligned (must be either 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 or 256; default is 16).


Julian Hall <>.

This manual page was written by Matej Vela <>.

Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-22 Tue 16:50