Man1 - fixproc.1

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fixproc - Fixes a process by performing the specified action.


fixproc [/-min n/] [/-max n/] [/-check | -kill | -restart | -exist | -fix/] proc …


Fixes a process named “proc” by performing the specified action. The actions can be check, kill, restart, exist, or fix. The action is specified on the command line or is read from a default database, which describes the default action to take for each process. The database format and the meaning of each action are described below.


-min n
minimum number of processes that should be running, defaults to 1
-max n
maximum number of processes that should be running, defaults to 1
check process against database /local/etc/fixproc.conf.
kill process, wait 5 seconds, kill -9 if still exist
kill process, wait 5 seconds, kill -9 if still exist, then start again
checks if proc exists in ps && (min <= num. of processes <= max)
check process against database /local/etc/fixproc.conf. Perform defined action, if check fails.

Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-22 Tue 17:12