Man1 - aec.1

Table of Contents


aec - compress or expand files


aec [*-3*] [*-b* BYTES/] [*-d*] [*-j* /SAMPLES/] [*-m*] [*-n* /BITS/] [*-N*] [*-p*] [*-r* /BLOCKS/] [*-s*] [*-t*] /infile outfile


Aec performs lossless compression and decompression with Golomb-Rice coding as defined in the Space Data System recommended standard 121.0-B-3.


* -3*
24 bit samples are stored in 3 bytes
* -b* BYTES
internal buffer size in bytes
* -d*
decompress infile; if option -d is not used then compress infile
block size in samples
* -m*
samples are MSB first; default is LSB first
* -n* BITS
bits per sample
* -N*
disable pre/post processing
* -p*
pad RSI to byte boundary
* -r* BLOCKS
reference sample interval in blocks
* -s*
samples are signed; default is unsigned
* -t*
use restricted set of code options

Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-22 Tue 15:59