Man1 - AppImageLauncher.1

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AppImageLauncher - Desktop integration helper for AppImages, for use by Linux distributions.


AppImageLauncher [PATH]


Helper application for Linux distributions serving as a kind of “entry point” for running and integrating AppImages.

AppImage provides a way for upstream developers to provide “native” binaries for Linux users just the same way they could do for other operating systems. It allows for packaging applications for any common Linux based operating system, e.g., Debian. AppImages come with all dependencies that cannot be assumed to be part of each target system in a recent enough version and will run on most Linux distributions without further modifications.

AppImageLauncher makes your Linux desktop AppImage ready™. You can integrate AppImages with a single mouse click, and manage them from your application launcher. Install AppImageLauncher today for your distribution and enjoy using AppImages as easy as never before!


Display this help and exit
Display version and exit


Path to AppImage (mandatory)


No known bugs.


TheAssassin <>

Author: dt

Created: 2022-02-22 Tue 16:21